How To Celebrate 4th Of July At Home


Emotion and patriotism go hand in hand. The moment we talk about 4th July – it gives an Independent feeling, doesn’t it? Although I am not going to talk too much about the details of how the United States was formed or how it all fell into place but you can always read about it online here (R) Independence day is usually associated with fireworks (R), parades (R),  carnivals (R) etc. But when you just don’t go out, you can always make it special at home with family. Here, I will tell you how to

How to celebrate 4th of July at home.

Every single one of us must enjoy this day whether you move outside to the streets or see the firework at New York or enjoy your day at home, laid back with your family, friends and feeling great about this day.

Lets speak about some quick 4th of July celebration ideas. Broadly I am going to categorize it into Food, Decor and activities below:


When party or celebration comes into mind, we think about food. Thus let’s see how and what we can make this day to make the food special. This is mostly a 4th of July activities for adults and not kids. We will have the kids section below. Yes, you can “Americanize” your food more!

a.American Chills


  • Thrilling name isn’t it? Yes, we all love beer. When you offer beer/ drinks to the guests, just try to make it special – thought about this idea?
  • Go ahead and buy some American flag scarfs and handkerchief and wrap them around the cans before serving them. And yes, it not just makes it easy to hold the can but denotes celebration to this day.
  • Another good way is to buy online the beer can hugger with an American flag on it to mark the celebration this day.
  • A very best into waste would be to use the already emptied beer bottles and paint it. You can use the glass paint and make them the Flag way with a blue base and white stars along with the sequential red and white strips. It is a pretty simple procedure to paint a bottle.
  • Look online for some wine glasses and coffee mugs with the American flag prints and could use it for the non-beer drinkers.

b.American Pops

American-Popsi.Using Strawberries

  • The simplest is to pick fresh strawberries from the market and use it for the poppers
  • Melt white chocolate carefully to form a thick paste
  • Take the strawberries as is and dip it bottom first into the chocolate until the head ( leaf) such that it has the chocolate covered body
  • Repeat with few more strawberries and keep it aside on a plate and refrigerate for 15 minutes
  • Once the chocolate covering hardens, make an icing cone with blue food color added.
  • Make some lines at the bottom of the chocolate wrapped strawberry and refrigerate it again.
  • Your strawberry pops are ready to be consumed.

ii. Using lollipop

  • Buy some lollipops from nearby stores.
  • If they are not the white chocolate ones, then try to melt the white choc o-chips to form a thick paste
  • Dip the lollipops such that they have the lolly heads covered with white chocolate
  • Use some ready-made tiny blue star sprinklers and dip a bit of this white chocolate covered head to let a portion of the head stars stick the chocolate to represent the flag.
  • If you do not have the star sprinkler then use the same icing cone with blue and red icing to make simple lines on it as shown in the picture.

c.Interesting Independent Cakes

  • Interesting-IndependentAnother brilliant idea is to bake cakes with the American Flag pattern in it
  • You can make smaller cup cakes as shown in the picture or a big cake
  • Fan of red velvet cake? (R) This is the best thing to make or buy from the market.
  • It is again just the combination of the blue, red and white which will make it like the flag and give an amazing look.
  • You could do the icing on a biscuit as well in the pattern of the flag

These were some very simple 4th July celebration ideas for home food preparation activities.


There is no harm in flamboyancy or charm in simplicity. Which means you can decorate your house the way you wish. 4th of July celebration ideas will be incomplete without decorating your house just right! Here are some quick simple temporary ideas to decorate your house this day for celebration and fun.

  • DECORATE-WITH-INDEPENDENCEGet some American flag print balloons and inflate it to decorate.
  • You can hang some flags at your corridor to mark this day and make pretty pattern of the flags by pinning it if need be like a Chinese fan etc.
  • Inflate some red, blue and white balloons and decorate the outside and inside of the house. Balloons always make me happier and lights the place with fun.
  • You can as well have pillow covers made resembling the flag pattern and display it on the couches.
  • Decorate the house in a blue red and a white theme to make it even more evident that yes it is indeed the independence day and we are celebrating!


PUT-ON-YOUR-PARTY-GEARIf you are a party animal, you know it very well that a party cannot be just attended without the x-factor in your dressing sense. You have all reasons to be dressed right for this 4th of July celebration. Yet again ladies have a lot of options to wear however

  • Pick up some blue red combo dress/ pants or shirts from your wardrobe and wear it right.
  • If you have a plain white shirt or a dress, take a fabric blue marker and draw some stars in the corner to make it like an American Flag and flaunt it this day.
  • Get some good scarf and wrap it around your neck for an edgy look.
  • Dress up the kids in the same fashion.
  • You can also use some hair accessories with the same blue, red and white combination.

Also – a very good idea to dress up your pets as well to celebrate 4th July at home is to tie a bandana across it’s neck. Aren’t these pretty simple ones to get dressed just right for the party? I love parties an getting dressed up is one of the major reasons to party really! Fact of a girl’s life really 🙂


Not necessarily that the party needs to be a formal one, it can just turn fun with some games and activities really. Have you thought about some good activities that will engage the adults apart from the dinner time?

  • Baseball is always the mandatory activity on this day right from kids to the elders and the adults really enjoy this as well. You can make teams and hold up a competition this day.
  • Backyard screen play – make some arrangements for a projector and screen and place it well in the backyard of your house to keep the adults engaged and screen any war movies for the day or something interesting
  • BARBECUE? Oh hell yeah! We all love it, be it summers or winters barbecue are my all time favorite. You can arrange some at your backyard for yummilicious food along with Wine or Beer.
  • Burn some firecrackers in your backyard to mark it as the end of the celebration.

Holidays are meant to get the best of the people and company together and enjoy relax and rejuvenate! Make the best of this day to celebrate 4th of July at home with your beloved ones and enjoy all the 4th of July celebration ideas I mentioned above.

Please do try these at home, all of it surely are pretty simple ones. So much so that I myself love doing all of these at home pretty much! Please share ahead and let us know your experience – it helps us to grow and improve! Write back to us.