Fun Snow Activities For Kids To Do


Snow time is always a fun time for kids. There are plenty of fun things to do in the snow with your kids. Sampling colorful ice walls to making candies on snow, there are some great snow activities for kids to do.

While you might be thinking for options to keep your kids busy during winters, kids love to sneak out of homes and have fun. Give them enough of outdoor snow activities to entertain than on snow days. All you need to make sure is to bundle up your kid and protect them from the harsh weather.

Fun Snow Activities For Kids:

1. Make Snowball Lanterns:


If the snow packs up your neighborhood, making snowball lantern could be one of the best ideas with kids. Enhancing outdoor snow activities is always a great way to have kids busy and learning something new every time. Making such lanterns in a beautiful way to combine play together making such lanterns in a beautiful way to combine play, togetherness, and functionality.

An excellent method of teaching kids to channelize the snow energy and create beautiful work for others to appreciate as well. Building a snow lantern is very simple and could be modified as per your convenience. You might need it right along with lots of snow of course. Look for a flat area in your garden or backyard and start making snowballs. Make as many snowballs is possible to make the lantern look dense. Prefer to keep the snowball sizes uniform and have them packed well.

The number of snowballs you have, the length of the lantern could be higher and built up. Add the layers one above the other increasing the width at each level forming rings with the balls. Have a small gap left at the top such that you could insert your hand and place the tea light once you have finished layering the lantern. Remember the goal is to build up a snowball pyramid. It is going to look immensely beautiful but the little gaps emphasizing the light out and making your kid’s efforts show up gorgeously.

2. How about Some Great Tasty Snow Ice Cream?


A great activity to do with kids on a snowy day would be to make an amazing mouthwatering batch of vanilla snow ice cream. It’s also one of the perfect dishes that you could make for any of the party events with kids. 12 cups of white fresh newly fallen snow. 300 ml of sweetened condensed milk, 1 teaspoon fresh vanilla essence, large bowl, measuring cup, wooden spoon.

Bring the snow into the house as it will be more comfortable for you to help the kids make it. Sprinkle one teaspoon of vanilla onto the snow. Add half the condensed milk on the top and with the wooden spatula or spoon, fold the condensed milk and vanilla into the snow. Mix well until it combines properly. Transfer all the mixture back into the big bowl. The condensed milk does not melt down the snow and keeps it away from making it watery. The snow freezes even more and making it thick and icy. And it is time to dig in! Isn’t that one of the simplest ice creams your kids would love to make and enjoy relishing it?

3. Make Snow Candy:


Make a real syrup snow candy with your kids the next snow time in your backyard. Making homemade candy on the snow is a brilliant idea at home or school. You need to have maple syrup and clean, fresh snow. It is made by pouring boiling maple syrup on clean, fresh snow. Make sure the snow that you use is clean and nice and you could get that with packing down an area of snow. Pour the syrup into a small pot and head it until it starts boiling. Once boiled, the syrup starts to bubble.

Use a candy thermometer to check the temperature and continue to boil the syrup until it reaches the soft ball stage. Remove the pot from heat and pour the syrup in line on the snow. Press the craft/ Popsicle sticks into the syrup and as it starts cooling, roll them up around the stick. Enjoy the maple syrup treat!

4. Snow Sensory Bins for Kids:


A snow sensory bin will help the little ones stay busy for ages. They love to play comfortably with snow and layering self with winter clothing getting their way without their nose, fingers, and toes freezing while they wish to enjoy playing outside. Snow bin for kids could be to make a construction zone. A construction vehicle with people could make it even better. Protect the play area by keeping it dry. Have the floor from spills and spread out a large quilt for the kid to play easily. You could as well have folded towels instead of the quilt. Extend it well beyond just the sensory bin so that kids could set their toys on them while playing. A vinyl tablecloth as protection could do the job too keeping the layer protected beneath. Wouldn’t this be the best snow fun for kids to play?

5. Painting The Snow:


Painting the snow with tempera paints will be fun winter snow activities for kids. It is a great one for the grown-ups too. Parents love to enjoy playing with kids in the snow. There are various other snow sprays available in the market but coloring it with liquid watercolors can be even more fun. Check out how creative your kids go with such snow fun for kids. The tempera paint powder mixes up 5 colors of paints. The tempera liquid paints (R) are great ones to play with. These do not stain the snow pants or winter coats. You can guide the child by making a rectangle on the snow for the kids. Give kids ideas to make some pretty butterfly or any such pretty idea adding splashes of the color. It is a wonderful way to get creative with kids in the snow.

6. Colored Ice Cubes:


Playing with colored ice cubes in the snow is a lot of fun for toddlers and preschoolers. Freeze the tray of colored ice cubes a night before letting the kids enjoy the colorful day in snow the next day. You can always wait for a decent amount of snow until then let the colorful cubes stay in the freezer. Give off some spoons and containers along with the ice cubes to help them dig up and explore their bit in the snow. Kids always come up with their own ways and ideas of using things and playing with them. They could also play hidden treasure hunt in a small area with the help of colored ice cubes which could act as gems. Snow fort could also be a great idea to build and decorated with lots of colorful ice cubes. Keep a check on the kids such that they do not get any frostbite. This is a great colorful fun way to play in winters.

7. Playing with sticks and stones in snow:


Playing with stones and sticks has always been kids a favorite bit to do. This is an activity that lasts for a few days too. Each day kids could decorate the snowball and every day once the snow melts, it takes different shapes and places. The nuts and stones along with shells would also fall off and might be buried in a thick layer of snow. In case there is more of snowfall too over the night, it will be fun to find the sticks everywhere. Kids love to experiment lots with this making snow bear or snowman.

8. Color the ice:


The great art activity for kids where they can experiment with colors in ice. Color a batch of ice for the kids to make art with. Take a look at the picture where you see the kids using the ice for coloring in outdoors. No matter how old the kids are, it is always fun. The colorful vibrant “paint” slide through the page making it fun for the kids to be painters and get creative. The result of such painting is very pretty and beautiful. They look similar to the watercolor paintings. An ice painting activity is very easy to prepare. Using the egg holder, you can use them like molds or the ice cube tray, paper cups, Popsicle molds, etc. These are not only versatile but also very less pricey and wasteful.

9. Decorate the window:


A decoration on the window for this holiday which could make them feels happy. When the sun shines through it, brightens the room beautifully. You will need tissue paper, sellotape, watered down mod podge. Prefer wintery colors for tissue paper and cello-tape. Also when you crinkle up the tissue paper, they look like ice. The best way to go about it is to paint the window with water first and paint directly on the tissue paper. It is easier for the kids to paint the window and then stick the tissue paper on it. You can also add some foam Christmas tree to decorate it further. And the best part is the Mod Podge mixture will wash away with water letting the Windows screen when you do not need it. Let your kids at more creativity to it as they like.

10. Glue resist snowman paintings:


The glue resists snowman painting is a great art for kids to do. You will need a bottle of white glue, white poster board or card stocks, small sequin or beads or wiggly eyes, waterproof paint, and salt. First, draw The Snowman picture on the paper by squeezing the blue on to the desired design. Remember to get the right size of the blue bottle so as to make it easy for your little one to use it. If your child has trouble squeezing the bottle of glue, simply handover a container with blue and paintbrush and let them show off their motor skills. Now it is time for the kids to decorate the snowman.

Using the different sequins and beads, let them decorate The Snowman belly. Use the wiggly eyes to glue it correctly. Let the clue completely dry now and maybe you would like to wait for the overnight to help it stick properly and firmly. Depending on the type of glue applied once dried, it is time to paint with watercolors. Let your kid paint all over the blue picture with watercolors of different color choices.

If you like to add some more snow like effect on the painting, have the kid to Sprinkle some salt while the painting is wet. Now let the painting try completely and brush off any salt that has not stuck. You must always make such memory as permanent by framing them and putting it across in the home.

These are some great brilliant snow activities for kids to indulge in. Write to us via the comment section and let us know which snow activity does your kid like the most. If you have some feedback or suggestions as well please write back to us we love to hear from you.