Styles of Parenting


Your style of parenting will affect your kid’s growth, self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being. Parenting is a psychological construct where there are no particular standards but the strategies for their child to learn.

There are different parenting styles defined but you are uncertain of what type of a parent you are or want to be?

Parenting gets stressful sometimes. It comes with no certain instructions, no day offs and becomes the most difficult job you decide to take on in your life. Let’s talk about a few styles of parenting, which makes it easier to understand which mode needs to be on to deal with your child in difficult situations.

What is Permissive Parenting and its Consequences?

What-is-Permissive-ParentinAre you one of those who set rules for the child but barely remembers to enforce them? You do not speak about the consequences of your child’s ill-behavior? Do you think your child will be the best and learn with less interference from you?

If these statements sound familiar, you might be a Permissive Parent. Permissive parents are lenient and step in only when there is a serious problem. They forgive their child and follow the notion that “the kids will be kids” and do not use consequences very often. The parents who let their kids disrupt other people’s lives are not clearly labeled as “permissive” in all the cases. A parent could be warm and emotionally responsive to the child does not make them a bad parent. Permissive parents avoid keeping their kids under control. Such parents do not prove or present themselves to be role models. They could manipulate to get what they want from the child without enforcing power.

Permissive parenting encourages the child to talk out their problems. Parents usually take a friends role in the kid’s life making it comfortable for the kid to grow up without restrictions. The kid tends to have high self-esteem. Permissive parents do not put in a lot of effort to discourage a kid’s poor choice or bad behavior. The kid certainly does not appreciate an authority in his life when grown up and might face some behavioral problems along with struggles in academics.

It has been proven that such kids are less self-disciplined and less responsible as compared to kids having an authoritative family. Other studies have found out that the permissive parenting style has resulted in increased alcohol use among teenagers. But there are also researches which say that there is no difference between the teenagers raised by authoritative parents or permissive. We cannot define permissive parenting completely but permissiveness can be measured. Which means the different actions can lead to different outcomes.

There is a very little difference between permissive parenting and passive parenting is the term given to parents when they just let the kid to anything without trying to change however the permissive parents give freedom to the kids to do things as they like when they like. Indulgent parenting is the same as permissive but with little more of control or demands in a few places.

Every parent wants to raise independent and happy children but they have their own ways of doing it in their own unique ways. They are lenient but have their children to practice self-regulation. The indulgent parent has very little expectation of their child’s behavior and makes an excuse for their poor actions. The indulgent parenting style has a way of nurturing, caring and loving, but poor at setting rules and boundaries. Such parents do not go against them but more concerned about their children liking them and not rebelling. Most parents think, showing love to their child will make the difference instead of their temper.

There are various other styles of parenting too like Authoritative Parenting. Such a parenting style is characterized by reasonable demands and high responsiveness for their children to grow independent and self-reliant. The authoritative parents give their children enough resources and support they need to succeed. Modern middle-class families practice this style mostly in a combination of both demandingness and responsiveness. It works well with kids and their education or structure.

On the other hand, Authoritarian Parenting is more on high demand and less responsiveness. The parents with this style, have a high expectation of their children but provide very little support or feedback to nurture them! Punishing harshly to their mistakes seem to be one of the patent styles of authoritarian parenting. Such kids who are bombarded with negative feedback and lack of resources end up being less confident and less socially adept.

Neglectful Parenting is also a term for Uninvolved parenting, where, sometimes the parents have the least amount of involvement or response towards their children’s needs. The child is often neglected and thus given no facilities or room for opportunity and development. The neglectful parents are unresponsive and undemanding towards the child or his needs. No emotions involved usually.

Parenting is an overall promoting and supporting aspect of a child’s physical, emotional social and intellectual development from infancy to teenage to adulthood. We do not have a single definition to the term “good parenting”, but the most rewarding and satisfying result of good parenting is a nurtured successful child.