13 Things Happy Moms Do Differently!

13 Things Happy MOM Do Differently
Image source from: sassymamasg.com

Moms are the pillar of motivation for every child in the world. It is the mom who takes care of all aspects of work and maintenance at home. Moms need to have a healthy balance between her work life and home so that she can maintain a stress-free environment in her life.

“Happiness is a fleeting emotion,” Eve explains. “I think sometimes we get stuck comparing our experiences to others, or what we think a ‘happy life’ is supposed to be. Happiness is not a state of being, it is simply an emotion.”

In this article, we will focus on some of the tips that happy mom do differently in order to keep a healthier work-life balance.

1. Fix Your Known Balance:

Fix Your Known Balance
ImageSource: offyourplatesf.com

There is no standard right balance between motherhood, work, and relationship. It always depends upon the mother to make the modification, prioritize and decide exactly what to do and what not to do.

Make a point of not listening to any person telling you what you need to or ought to do and not to do. Reserve your own demands and comment with respect to keeping your health in mind. If you feel out of balance for the day, then it is time you rightly look at the aspects of what’s taking place and re-evaluate.

Always agree to be re-negotiated with your job obligation with your parenting duties and responsibility.

2. Happy Moms Stay Present in The Moment:

Fix Your Known Balance
ImageSource: corporate.homedepot.com

The moms who work from home tend to keep saying that I can’t focus on my child and my work at the same time with equal zeal and determination.

Even before some situation, I began working from home environment, I’d find myself mentally pulled in two different directions of segments. I’d think about the house related work while playing a game with my kids. My kids keep on saying that mom you didn’t pay attention.

In such situations, I would suggest saying that when you’re with your kids, be with your kids in both aspects of physical and mental presence. Don’t waste those priceless moments with your kids by thinking about the work you have to do later.

Stay present in every precious moment. This will definitively help the moms to stay happy. Spending quality time with your kids will always be a positive effect on your lifestyle and your relationship with your kids will become strong enough.

3. Happy Mom Practice Self Care:

Happy Mom Practice Self Care
ImageSource: naturespath.com

The guilt and lack of self-care greatly contribute to unhappiness in most of the moms. Self-care does not have to be something expensive or time-consuming. Self-care is a primary necessity for the moms to regulate the day to day function of work in a proper and systematic way.

The things that moms need to take care of include like getting up early to have a cup of coffee or tea before it gets cold enough. Sitting in the backyard while your kids are playing and you will be reading a book or scrolling through Facebook.

4. Happy Mom Assign Positive Intent:

Happy Mom Assign Positive Intent
ImageSource: popsugar.com

When my kids were little, I felt like they were out to snatch my every shred of sanity. When my kids threw tantrums, it was quite easy to believe that they were doing such activities because they were disrespectful. In the real world, most of the behaviors are age-appropriate and are part of how a kid learns what’s socially acceptable and what’s not. Kids need to test the boundaries and express themselves in order to get feedback from their inside and outside world.

Assigning the positive intent to kid’s behavior will always give the freedom to remain calm while teaching them the importance of being a good human. Happy moms do not care even when her kids are misbehaving or being disobedient, but instead, she knows that her kids are trying to figure out his /her way in the vast world with lots of rules to be kept in mind.

5. Select or Choose “Good Enough” over” Perfect”:

Select or Choose “Good Enough” over” Perfect”
ImageSource: theholdernessfamily.com

All the load of stress that today’s moms take on is how to be an excellent or perfect mommy.

When something should be done, do you ask yourself that is it important that the task is simply done or done in a perfect way?

Happy moms tend to avoid fussing over being perfect and do what they know best. This is not just good for their own mental well being but for their child as well.

6. Build a Support System or Network:

Build a Support System or Network
ImageSource: smartparenting.com

Most moms feel or express stress as they feel they should do every single aspect of work by themselves. Specialists suggest taking it easy because, no, you aren’t taking every last bit of work and responsibility on your own shoulders.

Try to invest or create more time in building up networks or support system around your world of the living. This will really help you out in case of some emergency where you need some help or support. By this way, you will always feel assured and self-confident. This is one of the aspects that happy moms do differently to stay on top of things.

7. Make a Perfect Balance between Work and Home:

Make a Perfect Balance between Work and Home
ImageSource: workingmother.com

It is quite difficult to unplug or switch off our work obligations to obtain your home equally as it is hard to switch off stress over children and also home life when you go for work. Instead of letting things get into your head, it is important that you take the time out to balance between your home and work.

This is something that happy moms do very efficiently. And, while many may think it’s tough, it technically isn’t.

8. Plan a Day Off:

Plan a Day Off
ImageSource: thebump.com

It is a common phenomenon that society and family expect everything to be done by the mom. It is the responsibility and duties that moms need to do. Happy moms can even take a day off.

The day off can include a lot of relaxing and stress-free work outside of home environment such as going for a spa, meeting with her besties, doing party, reading a book, etc. When the mom does this form of activity from time to time, they feel relaxed, fresh and happy. To be able to do such types of activities, you need to have or build a proper support system in the right place.

9. Redefine” Success”:

Redefine” Success”
ImageSource: thebusinesswomanmedia.com

Today, women are admitting that “do it all” concept of the 70s, and 80s are making them feel overloaded, stressed and psychologically depressed. You have to re-define what it means to be successful in today’s world.

Those moms who are working, and struggling with balancing with kids and work, is quite common to witness. For moms that have time off to elevate their kids should know that you are doing the most important work in the world. This trick mostly happy moms do differently in order to have a better life.

10. Find your Passion:

Find your Passion
ImageSource: readbrightly.com

Passion should never die within oneself. Among the various roles you play as a mother, worker, partner it quite important the happy mom should discover a work, occupation, task, or hobby that will bring a sense of pleasure and happiness in life.

If you found a passion with some scene of income, then it leads to a better and healthy lifestyle. Passion can also include gardening, travel, or creating enjoying time with friends.

11. Have Your Priorities in Order:

Have Your Priorities in Order
ImageSource: raisingchildren.lk

Stress increases being overwhelmed of things that have a piled-up effect on our psychological well being. Try decluttering things like the way we clear up with our physical environment.

Just get rid of things or stuff that you don’t need, both in your home and work. This will result in creating enough space and time for you where you can focus on the things that really make sense to you and will lead the happy mom to feel light and happier.

12. Say No to Mommy Guilt:

Say No to Mommy Guilt
ImageSource: clarizen.com

Take the “S” word should from out of the vocabulary list. When the other person informs you SH0ULD  be making your own baby food, or that you SHOULD NOT be allowing your kids to watch tv, or you must breastfeed your baby for at least 1 year, you should go back to work, etc.

Simply allow it to let it go. Do whatever helps you and do not internalize all the SHOULD segment in your life.

13. Just Slow Down:

Just Slow Down
ImageSource: momspresso.com

My friend told me that when her child was small enough, she would repeat to herself the fact that: “the days are long, but the years are short.” Sometimes, it felt like you are tending to too much important work at the very same moment of life. If you can make that important phone call while driving your child to school, you are using your time well and perfectly. Yes, you may be getting that waking call out of the way, but if you are talking on the phone, and driving and your kids are in the car, nothing that you are doing is getting 100% of your attention. You are cheating the person on the phone, you are cheating your child, and you are not paying attention to the road ahead of you.

Moms are the pillar in our lives. Every member in the house keeps on directly or indirectly depending on moms for some kind of work or issue. These are certain things that happy mom do differently in order to have a healthy and stress-free environment. We definitely hope you will include these important points and learn from all the happy moms.