Know About Various Eye Infections In Babies And Their Treatment


Does your baby have signs of an eye infection? Your baby’s eyes get sticky or watery? Pinkeye or conjunctivitis is pretty common and treatable inflammation in eyes of the conjunctiva which is a transparent membrane lining the inside of the eyelids and the white portion of the eyes. Babies’ eye infection can be treated with home remedies too. During pink eye, the blood vessels of the eyes become more visible due to inflammation and giving it a characteristic pink color or reddish color to the eye. There are various types of eye infection which we have given information about below.

Babies Eye Infection Types:

There are various reasons for the eyes to produce the pus. We have noted them below here.

1. Bacterial Conjunctivitis:

As the name says it, it is a bacterial infection in the eyes. The main symptom is the eyelids become sticky and stick together due to pus after sleep. This could be present in one or both the eyes. There are few viruses that cause the pus in the eyes however, the rest don’t.

2. Viral Conjunctivitis:


This is caused due to the virus where the main symptom is the eyes turning pinkish or reddish in color and looks very different to the normal days. The eyes are mostly watery and often no or very less pus. It usually happens in both the eyes. Viral infection is very common in kids and especially when the baby has a cold and conjunctivitis; it is possible that the virus has caused it.

Measures to treat:   

  1. Consult a doctor: If your baby has conjunctivitis, consult the doctor immediately. The doctor should instruct you what needs to be done in this case and could provide with medications to provide immediate relief for the baby depending on the type of the infection.
  2. Usually, viral conjunctivitis clears down by its own. But instructions from doctors have to be followed. Cleaning the eyes with warm water and removing the discharge is important. Consult the doctor again if there is no relief in a week’s time.

3. Sty or Stye:

The red bump in the eyelid of your kid which could be a sty or also called as Hordeolum. This infection usually could occur when the oil glands in the eyelash base is infected by bacteria. This is typically visible when the eyes turn red and tender and also filled with pus. But there could be a while and yellow discharge through the boil which makes the lid of the eye a bit crusty. This is not a dangerous condition, however, could be painful and irritating for the baby.

Measures to treat:

  1. warm compress: Using a wet or damp cloth in warm water, it could give some relief when kept in the baby’s infected eye. The sty although could drain out on its own, a warm compress gives some relief to the little one. You can repeat this 4 times a day and do it for at least 15 minutes each time. One of the most recommended home remedies for eye infection in babies.
  2. Keep it clean: Although the best way to treat an eye sty is to leave it as is and not meddle with it you must not try to break it open or squeeze or pop the sty. Cleaning the sty area with clean cloth or cotton once a day when the sty drains out helps to prevent further infection from spreading.

4. Blepharitis:

Blepharitis is another type of baby eye infection where the eyelids suffer due to inflammation. It is caused due to a bacterial infection generally or the overproduction of the oil on the eyelids. The eyes of the kids might be watery, red and irritated due to such condition and the lashes of the eyes may fall off if there is another infection developing due to the same.

Although this is an infection that does not cause any problems with the vision it could be irritating. Due to the same, it could serve as a path for chalazion, conjunctivitis or sty. Though it could disappear on its own, it comes back and is chronic. Consulting a doctor and undergoing an examination is a must.

Measures to treat:

  1. Warm compress: Using warm compress helps here as well but added with antibiotic drops and ointments after the eyewash.
  2. Saline solution: using a saline solution to clear the eyes of the baby or baby shampoos can also be used to keep the eyes clean.

5. Blocked Tear Duct:

This issue is present in 10% of the newborns where the eyes are constantly watery. Tears fill in the eyes easily and they run down the face. This happens even when the kid is not crying. The eyes are not red and neither the eyelids are swollen. However, the wet eyes could acquire secondary infections. It causes the lids to become greasy with pus.

Measures to treat:

  1. Warm press: Using a warm compress helps. Do it every few hours with a clean cloth damped in warm water and kept in the kid’s eyes. When the drainage builds up, clean with a soft cloth or cotton ball and water gently. Wipe from the tear duct to outside of the eye so that you do not risk inserting anything inside the eye.

6. Foreign Body object in Eye:


This is a very serious condition where a small particle of sand or dirt could be blown into the eyes causing irritation and turning the eyes red. If not removed, the eye could produce pus. They usually get stuck in either the upper or the under the eyelid and cause discomfort. This does not usually respond to the antibiotic eye drops, however, depending on the age of the kid, they can respond that they feel there is something in there.

Measures to treat:

  1. Wear eye protection when playing: While the kids are out playing in mud and sand, help them to wear eye protection all time.
  2. Wash with water: Splash normal or cold water in the eyes when there is any particle irritating within. It helps the eyes to clean out and clear the foreign object
  3. Consult a doctor: If there is an injury or if the irritation persists for more than hour or two, rush to the doctor as you do not want the foreign object to cause any damage to the eyes or infect.

7. Eyelid Cellulitis:

This is a serious infection that goes deep into the eyes. The eyelids and tissues around it are infected. The main symptom of this type of infection could be the swelling of the eyes, watery and tender eyelids and eye turns red. This could happen to one or both eyes and swollen shut. This infection in the eye spreads deeper and inwards hence called a serious infection that needs immediate attention. This is also caused by an ethmoid sinus infection in the eyes. This type of infection could occur without any pus in the eyes.

Measures to treat:

  1. Consult a doctor: You do not have to panic, as the infection could be treated by doctor easily. They perform the blood work, x-rays or whatever is needed to check the level of infection. The doctors rightly prescribe antibiotic ointment for the babies or injections to curtail the infection depending on the severity. It takes about 2-3 days to clear usually. Make sure your child completes the prescribed antibiotic course even after the infection is reduced or looks to have cured such that it helps from letting it resurface again.

8. Chalazion:

A cyst or lump type which is formed on the lids of the eyes is called Chalazion. Although a lot of parents confuse this with a sty, unlike sty, this Chalazion can start pretty small of a size of the poppy seed and grow as big as a pea. This is not contagious or painful but the eyes might be watery and cause a lot of discomfort to the child’s vision. This distorts the child’s vision as it applies pressure to the eyeball as they grow more.

Measure to treat:

  1. Warm compress: Giving warm compress to the baby might help to soften the oil blockage and duct that encourages the drainage. It is recommended to wash the kid’s hands at regular intervals to prevent any other kind of infection. With a clean damp cloth in warm water, compress the affected eye area for 15 minutes and you can repeat this for 4 times a day until the lump disappears. This is one of the most recommended babies eye infection home remedy.
  2. Avoid infection: Do not touch the infected lump with hands or to pop or squeeze it. It will only worsen. Antibiotic drops can be used as prescribed by the doctor to prevent further infection.
  3. Consult an ophthalmologist: If the lump does not disappear or give any relief after the warm compress, the ophthalmologist could advise taking an injection which might help. In case the severity is more, a surgical procedure can help too as suggested by the specialist.

Eye infection in babies is very frustrating especially if they cannot speak and talk about their discomfort. Giving most comfort to the baby form the home remedies for eyes infection by warm compress is the best for most of the infections.