How to Encourage Baby to Stand Without Support


Watching babies grow is the most endearing part of parenting. Day by day and step by step they conquer each big and small milestone which in itself is worth cherishing and appreciating. There is no other fun than being a part of this journey from a fetus to a more independent human being in years. While you just love the baby in your arms but you always crave for the time when the baby takes its first steps unattended. There are ample ways on how to encourage the baby to stand without support.

When will your baby stand up on her own:

More than the will to stand its about muscular strength and built that guides this milestone in kids. They must have good hand-eye coordination and be able to hold themselves. Most babies stand by age 10-11 months and they begin taking steps around that time only. Some babies can walk as early as 8 months or even before while others walk by 14-15 months which medically is perfect for each baby has their own pace at which they proceed.

How to encourage baby to stand:

Your little one is all over the place now with crawling in ways you never imagined are humanly possible. I would say for my little one, her drag and pull movements were rather not a crawl but more of a cute and fun filled acrobatic for this age. Some ways on how to encourage baby to stand:

1- Begin early:

Allow the baby to stand on their feet as early as they begin to sit upright by holding them well. The babies at this time may get scared or afraid to stand but having you hold them up gives them the right inspiration and strength to proceed

2- Allow baby to cruise by placing toys and items at the end of furniture they are standing up with. This holding the furniture and cruising activity helps in not just giving strength but also confidence to the kids to stand and walk on their own

3- Keep the barefoot:

Specially the booties and clogs at this age are damaging for their feet. Let kids get stability and balance first rather than putting footwear on. Footwear breaks their balance and also spoils the leg posture too. Podiatrics recommend not to use footwear until the kids begin to run and only use outside home. The more kids stay barefoot the better they begint o stand and walk on all surfaces

4- Use walkers from as early as 5 months or when they begin to sit upright on their own:

Walkers and jumperoo and other activity tables are encouraging for kids to stand up and move around them. The more kids get used to these the quicker they begin to walk since coordination, balance and confidence are achieved by these helpers

5- Exercises and massage:

The kids need strength and proper nutrition to be able to gain strength to stand. Get them to be used to regular exercises and massage. Massage gives the necessary strength at this age and also it helps in metabolic functions too.

6- Let them loose:

For a child to be independent it is very important for the mother or parents to stay away for few hours during the day. Let the child lose and stop hovering over him all the time. Don’t worry if they make shrills as that’s the only sound they make for happiness, excitement, fun, sadness, need and everything else.

7- Peek-a-boo:

Run around and hide with peek-a-boo for kids love to explore and who knows they begin cruising and walking early with this too.

8- Childproof the surroundings:

For kids to feel safe and yourself to be sane too, childproof the home such that even if you take a few minutes away the child is in secure surroundings. You must keep and eye all the time but do not let the child know that you are watching, they need free play time too.

9- Involve musical play times:

Music and play in addition to dance movements can be stimulating and helpful for child’s motor development and learning too. While dancing allow the kids to stand and gain strength, this will help in quicker achievement of milestone

10- Cheer your kids often:

The kids need to be cheered for every small or big milestone is really commendable task for our little ones. Their constant urge to be appreciated results in better development further.

11- Have other kids of all ages in your playdates:

Kids learn from other kids and specially elder kids. Those who have big siblings are always the better ones at achieving their milestones. And montessori principles aim at putting children in groups of ages at 3 years apart to help them learn from each other. This will help them in quicker ability and strength to stand on their own and take their first steps

12- Give more tummy time from beginning:

Muscular strength and ability to hold up can be improved with tummy time and the more kids get this, the better it is for their motor skills and overall development

13- Use stairs to teach them how to balance:

The homes which have stairs will have their kids stand and walk before their peers. The kids get great training in pulling themselves up by climbing on stairs while crawling. This gives them strength and courage to stand on their own quickly

14- Put their favorite toys up high on a safe furniture:

When the kids see their favorite toys up on a furniture they grab and try to stand also cruise around for picking it. This helps in gaining strength and balance for the kids which is needed to be able to stand and walk on their own.

15- Play with push along toys from early on:

The push along toys are built in a way it improves standing and walking for kids. They just need to hold these toys and the kids get to walk around with them.

Warning signs of developmental delay in kids:

  • When kids at age 12 months also cannot stand by holding they need to be diagnosed for developmental delay
  • When at age 15 months also the kids are unable to cruise and walk for a few steps without any support they must be seeing their pediatrician
  • Kids unable to sit without support at age 8 months
  • Kids not standing with support at age 12 months
  • Kids not rolling over at age 6 months


The above compilation on how to encourage baby to stand without support is to help you in giving the most stimulating experiences for making your child stand upright. Be sure to give the kids ample free time and let them play and enjoy while conquering their milestones.

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