10 Tips on How to Build Confidence in Child


We all wish for having a self confident and independent child, but in our actions and interactions we don’t really pursue it further. Raising a self confident child is more about letting them lose and taking their own decisions. Kids can not become leaders overnight, but these qualities develop over a period of time. Most of the child self esteem activities are to be noted and followed by birth, and also you must take special care of such building self confidence activities

How to Build Self Confidence in a Child:

Your child is a reflection of yourself, and whatever you do leaves an impact on your child. If we want a child who is sure of themselves and is high on self confidence then we must adopt child self esteem activities from early on. Praising kids always, exaggerating their achievements or ignoring them completely are all the curses which would prevent your child from building the kind of self-confidence you are looking for. So here we bring some of the child self esteem activities and pointers which will help you in shaping a better future for your child:

1. Let your kids fail too:

Failing is a major part of our life, we fail more than we all succeed unless it is a utopian world. So kids must learn failing is a part of life and they must be able to bounce back stronger and harder. This is very important to build strong self esteem and self confidence. If the kids fail, they do more self-analysis and their learning about the mistakes they did improves along the way. Those kids who cant take failures in the right spirit are always hyper and never confident about themselves or over confident about themselves.

2. Instil critical thinking in them:

Kids must be able to think and creatively imagine options for them. Provide ideas and ways for their imagination to widespread and get creative. This will bring more and more confidence in them. Allow them to solve puzzles and brain teasers also IQ games and activities which helps in advancing their logical and analytical thinking in addition to intellect.

3. Build social skills early on:

Kids must be a social animal rather than staying aloof and confined. The more they interact in a social circle the better it is to raise their self-confidence. Let kids enjoy with their peers and permit them to go out with them too. It is never too early to have a doll party or a play date at hoem with ample kids from around.

4. Teach them to be responsible and accountable too:

Kids must know the consequences of their actions, and also take responsibility for their own too. WHatever the kids to they must learn to hold accountability of what they did. It’s not easy to accept mistakes and never easy to take charge of their own deeds. But if you adopt habits early on, which not just helps a kid to stay just and hold accountability but also helps the kid to visualize the right and wrong in their actions, you have a self-confident and strong kid already

5. Adopt more and more challenging activities and games:

Challenging activities can be adopted as early as the child learns to understand and follow commands. Even a sweeping and mopping floor becomes more of challenge when you set time for it. Cleaning after them and finishing off their meals is more challenge and must be dealt with in the right ways to instil more and more self-confidence in kids. Let your child take charge and feel the drive within too

6. Let kids express themselves and never stop them from speaking:

While you must tell them the social norms when talking to others but otherwise you must never stop your child from expressing themselves. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you or others around, it definitely means a lot to the kid to show what they feel or the art they made. Appreciate their efforts in utmost sincere ways. Remember do not over do with praise, just a nominal praise nad cheer them to make more and more such efforts is necessary to keep their self confidence high

7. Listen to them with interest:

This is very important for all the parents, as most often in our busy lives we tend to forget listening to our kids. A child may have a lot of things to say and ends up speaking something vague and too less. This doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a chance to speak. Rather encourage communication and listen to them always.

8. Never compare your child with others:

Even you are the best in your team can skew their thinking and raise overconfidence in them. Comparisons are damaging and must be kept away. Especially with siblings or cousins, you must never ever compare your kids. The slightest of comparison also harms the child’s thinking and imagination.

9. Include them in all the household chores:

Even if they create more mess than help, allow them to be a part of household chores. They will eventually learn the details of working and also this boosts their self confidence too. These small experiences also help a great deal. The more kids participate at home the better their self worth becomes. They begin to get more and more confident when they accomplish the tasks and activities given to them.

10. Involve them in some sport and art-related activities too:

Sport and art are the most comprehensive and yet simplistic ways you can instill self confidence in your children. They get to accept challenges, make plans and also learn to face failures in most fulfilling of ways. This raises their self confidence and also brings a lot more strength in them. All of interests and hobbies the kids develop, take a long way.

Mistakes parents do in building self confidence activities for a child:

Parents often tend to overlook some very important details which shape a child’s individuality and their confidence too. Some such parenting mistakes are:

  1. Too much praise of your child makes them overconfident and not self confident
  2. Helicopter parenting is as harmful as unattached parenting style. Too much of anything is bad
  3. Seeking perfection and not experience makes the child hyper and deficit in paying attention to details. These kids are more worries about outcome than about doint the actvity properly
  4. Poor communication and not listening to your child makes the child unsure about themselves
  5. Comparing and criticizing your children, it not just hurts the self confidence of your child but also makes them feel inferior to others

The above compilation on how to build confidence in a child is to help parents in understanding how smallest of details can affect the child’s attitude and behaviors. As parents we must ensure all of the above points which not just helps in building a self confident child but also make them happy too

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