How to Prevent Asthma Attacks Naturally at Home


Asthma is a breathing disorder and there are no fixed causes. Anything can trigger an asthma attack like pollution, smoke, cold, infection, allergies, medicines, stress and more. Common symptoms of asthma are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. An asthma attack occurs when an irritant enters the bronchial cavity and causes spasms thus shortness of breath and other symptoms follow. These spasms cause the release of histamines and other chemicals that cause inflammation and airway causing mucous. Let us read about how to prevent asthma attacks naturally at home.

Causes of Asthma:

Causes-of-asthmaWhile there can be a range of causes but allergies are believed to be the major one. These causes may also be seasonal and situational. Some of these causes of asthma include:

  1. Specific allergies
  2. Obesity and fat depositions in the body
  3. Smoke and tobacco
  4. Stress, depression, and tension
  5. Genetics and heredity
  6. Some foods like nuts, dairy, soy, eggs
  7. Premature birth
  8. Exercise and heartburn

How to Prevent Asthma Attacks at Home:

Preventing is always better than cure as asthma is a very discomforting and painful ailment. Some ways to prevent asthma at home include:

  1. Immunization for influenza and pneumonia: Be sure to keep yourself up on immunization for pneumonia and influenza. These would prevent you from getting severe asthma attacks and also help your body to gain some immunity from the allergens
  2. If you feel a sudden onset of shortness in breath or congestion, use your inhaler immediately. Be sure to keep your dresses lose and fresh air coming in
  3. Take your medicines in time as delay in medicines also triggers asthma
  4. Quit smoking as this is the most terrible cause of asthma onset
  5. Avoid consuming too cold products as they worsen the situation. Specially in winters keep away from cold foods and beverages
  6. Keep a check on your allergies by getting an allergy test done every 6 months. Also, keep up with your medicines for avoiding allergies as they cause even more pain and discomfort
  7. Avoid spicy and fried foods as they cause blockage of a bronchial cavity
  8. Stay away from smoke and fireplace at home as these trigger asthma attack practice breathing exercises and keep on with them regularly
  9. Some foods trigger an asthma attack so these must be avoided in your diet:
  • Sulfites found in wine and dry fruits, cherries, lime, and many other packed food items. As they trigger an asthma attack
  • Avoid heavy meals as these put pressure on your diaphragm especially during acid refluxes. Foods like beans, cabbage, fried foods, onion, and garlic. These also cause chest tightness
  • Salicylates found in tea, herbs, and coffee also trigger asthma
  • Flavorings and preservatives also trigger an asthma attack in some
  • People with some food allergies may get an asthma attack if consumed those foods like eggs, peanuts, dairy, soy, and fish

How-to-prevent-asthma-attackHow to Prevent Asthma Attacks at Night:

There are even more painful and discomforting asthma attacks at night which need to be dealt with at emergency care immediately. Some tips to prevent asthma attacks at night include:

  1. Clean your bedroom and areas around properly. There must not any dust or mites left.
  2. Use a HEPA or high-efficiency particulate air vacuum cleaner which will trap mites and all dust particles
  3. Wash your beddings and linens once a week to prevent allergens and dust from accumulating
  4. Buy dust proof mattresses and pillow protectors which will prevent any deposition of dust on your sleeping areas
  5. Use a cool mist humidifier, but in controlled conditions to prevent dry air triggered asthma at night
  6. Keep the pets away, as they can cause asthma triggers at night due to their dander falls
  7. Keep head upright and use a high pillow, as lying flat worsens the asthma attacks.
  8. See your healthcare provider regularly for keeping a check on sleep apnea and other disorders
  9. Don’t eat before going to bed, as it may be heavy for your body

Asthma Prevention Schedule:


  1. Create a record of your asthma prevention and plan it with your health care provider
  2. Get vaccinated regularly for influenza and pneumonia
  3. Write down the asthma medications and mark them for taking on time
  4. Track your asthma attacks and monitor them if it gets bad
  5. Use proper air conditioning and humidifier to keep asthma triggers away
  6. Groom and bathe your pets to keep the danders off
  7. Use mouth and nose cover when going out
  8. Keep a check on pollen and allergen alerts in your area and act accordingly
  9. Clean entire house regularly and avoid going to the attic or patio or basement when they are not cleaned. As mold and indoor allergens reside in those spaces the most.

Deep Breathing for Immediate Relief from an Asthma Attack at Home:

  1. Lie down on your back on floor or carpet and put a book on your stomach
  2. Begin deep inhaling and be gentle by not expanding your chest. Look at the book, if it rises you are doing right
  3. As you inhale, take a little more air than you have done for raising the book a little higher
  4. Now slowly and gradually exhale. And it must make your relaxed
  5. Repeat 5-7 times

Asthma Prevention Diet:

Eating clove, ginger and mustard oil can help in alleviating the chances of asthma attacks. These also keep the body warm from within thus preventing choking of the bronchial cavity. Dried figs, eucalyptus oil, honey, and onions are known to cure the triggers and also help in preventing asthma from allergic triggers. Gooseberries, fruits, lemon, herbal tea, fennel seeds, and warm milk must be consumed daily especially in colder weather. These prevent chest congestion.

The above compilation on How to prevent asthma attacks naturally at home is to help people suffering from asthma. These tips are sure to help you along with your medicines. These will be your guide to healthy living. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider first.

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