Best 4 Fun Group Games For Adults


Party games are so much fun to play, to bring people together, or just play new tricks with old friends. Best fun group games for adults, liven up your party and provide you and your guests tons of laughs and memories. Below is a list of fun group games for adults.

Fun Group Games For Adults

1.The Ah, Um Game


One of the best fun group games for adults. The goal of this game, is to avoid saying the taboo words ‘Ah’, ‘Um’, ‘Like’, or ‘You Know’. To play this game, you will need a list of topic ideas, and a timer or a watch.

How to play this game:

Divide everyone into three or four groups. A person, must talk to their group for one full minute, about a certain topic. He/she are not supposed to say the following taboo words: ‘Ah’, ‘Um’, ‘Like’, or ‘You Know’. If the person does not say the taboo words in the round, then the person can move to the next round. If they say a taboo word, accidentally, then it will be the next person’s turn, and so on the game continues.

You can choose a person to be a volunteer in each group. Use the timer or the watch to track a minute and say any one of the topics listed below. Then, choose another person as the volunteer to go next, and repeat the same. The player, who avoids saying the taboo words in the game, is the winner.

Few of the list of topic ideas include: Favorite movie, favorite TV show, summer activities, What did you do last week, Favorite animal and so on.

2.Battle of the Sexes

An indoor activity fun group games for adults. The game is played to test the knowledge of each team member, about sports, fashion and more, of the opposite gender. The team with the most correct answers wins the game.

To play this game, you will need a projector, laptop, pen and paper for every team, and a power point presentation.

How to play this game:

First, you need to set the laptop to project on a screen, to start this fun group game for adults. Divide everyone into two teams, men vs women, and give each team paper and pens.

Start the power point presentation, and let the team answer as many correct answers as they can. Every correct answer, gives them a point. The answers will appear at the end, after all the questions have finished. The team with the most of the points in the game, wins.

3.Cake Decorating Challenge

Another indoor fun group games for adults. This game is good for bridal showers and also large groups. Show your decorating skills in this fun activity. The goal of this game, is to decorate and present the best-looking cake.

To play this game, you will need, to bake and bring 5 to 6 cakes before the challenge. It is ideal to get boxed mix cakes for the game; tables for people to decorate their cakes; white frosting-buy or make your own frosting, food dyes, plastic spoons, lots of candies, knives and forks; volunteer judges.

To make this game more interesting, you can even decide on a secret theme, related to animals, places, school, sports, holidays or seasons.

How to play this game:

Divide everyone into teams of five. Every team gets a cake. They need to decorate  the cake based on the secret theme. The player, who has the best looking cake, wins the game. Now, you can reveal the secret theme. Everyone in the team has to briefly present their cakes to the judges, after decorating it. The judges decide on who has made the best cake, with their creativity, teamwork, and presentation; and also how closely the cake is related to the theme. The team with the most points wins the game.

Another option to play this game, is you can use cupcakes, instead of cake. The team with the best-looking cupcakes is the winner of the game.

4.Duct Tape Game

One of the best fun group games for adults. This game is played, to tape your teammate on a wall using duct tape, and leave them hanging for one full minute.

To play this fun game, you will need, ten rolls of heavy duty duct tape. This may generally, depend on how many teams are playing, usually three; chairs, timer or watch.

How to play this game:

Separate everyone into teams of six or seven. Make sure you evenly distribute the duct tape rolls to each team. Every team gets five minutes to tape a teammate on the wall or tree. If the person is able, to remain on the wall or tree without any help, that team wins.

Let each team select a person from your group, to be taped on the wall or tree. Allow the volunteers to stand on a chair against the wall or tree, and begin the game. Give each group, five minutes of time. See, if the volunteer is able to remain on the wall or tree for a minute. If the player does, then his/her team wins the game.

Another variation of this game, is you can stick as many paper balls on your teammate as you can, to get the most points as possible.

You will need eight rolls of heavy duty duct tape, depends how many teams are playing, usually two per team; colored paper and a scissors.

Divide everyone into four different teams. Distribute the duct tape rolls evenly to each team. Give one pack of colored paper, to each team. Every team gets ten minutes, to wrap a person with the duct tape. Make sure, the sticky side is facing outwards.

Each wrapped person, then stands in a line 7 or 8 feet away from the group, and must stand still. The goal of this game, is to stick as many paper balls on them as possible. The team loses a point, if there is another team’s colored paper on the person. Let each team select one person from their group to be taped, and start the game.

Every team gets ten minutes, and then, arrange each wrapped person to stand in a line. Mark a boundary line, where everyone else can throw colored balls at the person. You can throw colored balls at the wrapped person for five minutes. The judges will count it as a point, when a paper ball sticks at any time. The team with the most points wins the game.

By Supraja