11 Amazing Benefits of Homeschooling

Image source: inspiredsm.com

Homeschooling is an innovative step towards the education of a child. It is an all-new concept which let the parents teach their kids at home instead of sending them to a school. The traditional way of teaching and studying is changing now. Parents can have a number of conflicting reasons with the existing educational system to not let their kids go to a private or public school. Parents can have their own educational philosophies or religious beliefs that don’t allow them to send their kids to a school. This concept stated trending in the 1970s. It was a few popular authors and researchers who come up with a new educational approach. John Holt, Dorothy, and Raymond Moore suggested an alternative educational reform with the term “homeschooling”. This educational option is legal in several countries. Well, it is having its own pros and cons but in this article, we have made sure to enlighten you with the benefits of homeschooling.

Wonderful Benefits of Homeschooling

These benefits of homeschooling will encourage you to experience this journey at least for once.

1. Plenty of Time With Children

Image source: angelassistance.org

This educational paradigm helps you to spend plenty of time with your children. You can have lunch together. You don’t have to wait for 8 long hours to see your kids. You can mold your child the way you want. You can enlighten the right path for your child because you understand what your kid is passionate about. A parent is someone who can be a great guide to a kid. And, top of all this, the learning process for your kid will be loaded with fun.

2. You Can Improve Your Kid’s Personality

Image source: topeducationdegrees.org

This new concept gives you an opportunity to peek into the personality of your child. Your child will surely open up to you because you are just not a parent to him/her but, now, you are a guide, a teacher, and a friend to him/her. You can teach your child a number of things like obedience, politeness, kindness, hard work, and how to become responsible. This could also be taught in traditional schooling system but there are fewer chances that someone will be monitoring your child. This concept helps you to monitor your child closely and help him/her to act according to the situation.

3. Various Learning Styles

Image source: thehomeschoolersnetwork.com

In traditional schools, your child won’t get an opportunity to learn things in several different ways. You can make your child learn few things according to a regular school model. But, if that doesn’t work, you can make your child learn through online videos If this approach fails, you can opt for games and learning. If this doesn’t work, you’ll find another way of teaching your child.

4. Opportunity To Understand Your Child

Image source: amazon.com

The more time you spend with your child, the better is the opportunity to understand his/her personality. This approach is the one which can help you to explore your child’s strengths and weaknesses. This is a real miraculous way of analyzing your child’s personality and behavior.

5. You Will Be Learning Too

Image source: panampost.com

This homeschooling session let’s you learn a few new things. There are a number of subjects or topics that you are not aware of because you weren’t fond of them. Or maybe because you never came across with them according to your curriculum. This is an opportunity for you to something worthy. So, homeschooling is also beneficial for your own good.

6. Religious Beliefs

Image source: swordofthespirit.net

You are now free to expose your kid to a world that you belongs to. You can teach him anything and everything regarding your religion.

7. You Can Dig Deeper

Image source: drrichswier.com

There are topics which can make your child go curiously about it. Homeschooling gives your child an opportunity to ask as many as questions he/she want to ask. If something seems interesting to your child then you can make him/her more curious by exposing your child to the deeper layers of the knowledge.

8. Enough Time To Play

Image source: orientaltrading.com

Homeschooling gives an opportunity to the kids to play as much as they want to. Because the eyes of a teacher are always following the kid. So, whenever your child is going wrong, you are there to correct him/her. The traditional school never let a kid play for more than 20 to 30 minutes. But, homeschooling got no such restriction.

9. Lesser Chances of Falling Sick

Falling-SickAs your child won’t get in contact of other kids. So, there are lesser chances of your kid to fall sick because your child is under your protection. Even if your child falls sick for some reason then also, you have an advantage of treating him/her as soon as you can without interrupting the regular learning exercises. Your child can continue his/her lessons on the bed.

10. Traveling Is Easy Now

TravelingHomeschooling makes traveling easy. You don’t have to worry about the lessons and classes that your child has skipped. In fact, you can make your child learn a few new things while you are enjoying on a family vacation. Traveling makes learning more exciting.

11. Don’t Have To Worry About Your Child’s Safety

Image source: adysarmy.org

You don’t worry about how a teacher is going to treat your kid or how a class-mate will tease your child. There is no one who can torment your child in any case.

Homeschooling is a better option than the conventional approach because of the above-mentioned benefits. You can always protect your child and also, keep an eye on him/her. So, these are the benefits of homeschooling. If you are experienced person then do comment below and let us know the other benefits of this educational approach.

Tiru Dehariya