10 Ways Get Rid of Dandruff In Kids Through Home Remedies – Causes, Sings and Symptoms of Dandruff In Kids

10 Ways Get Rid of Dandruff In Kids Through Home Remedies - Causes, Sings and Symptoms of Dandruff In Kids
(Image source from: stylesatlife.com)

Does your child complain about an itching sensation on the scalp? Do your kids often scratch his hair? Do you want to take appropriate remedies to help your kids get rid of the dandruff problems? don’t stress out.

Dandruff (R) is normal and common in children, teenagers, and adults. No matter how often you clean the hair of your kid’s dandruff can be a nagging problem of both kids as well as adults. When the kids enter puberty or adolescence then the chance of gating dandruff in kids is more.

In this article, we will focus on or have brief information about the best ways or deal with dandruff in kids with the home remedies for dandruff in kids.

What Is Dandruff?

What Is Dandruff
ImageSource: myplexusrevolution.blogspot.com

Dandruff is described as the small pieces of dead skin which are found in hair, that results in white flakes or even itchiness. Dandruff is also known as seborrheic dermatitis. It is very normal and common in children, teenagers, and adults. kids enter puberty or adolescence.

The skin of the scalp has many layers and as the cells start growing in the dermis at the bottom it works in their way up until they form a layer of dead cells on the skin surface. These dead cells fall off in small flakes which are mostly called as dandruff.

Dandruff also occurs on the eyebrows, ears, eyelids, armpits, groin, neck, crease of the nose and the belly button other than scalps in kids. It can also lead to hair fall(R)

According to KidsHealth, “children who suffer from eczema might be likely to develop dandruff too”, but treating dandruff doesn’t require a trip to the doctor unless it becomes severe.

Dandruff has an official scientific name which is called as pityriasis capitis or seborrheic dermatitis. Mostly cradle cap occurs in infants 0 to 3 months old and clears up on its own by 1 year old. This may persist into toddlerhood, that leads to the unique predicament of figuring out how on earth to treat a toddler with dandruff.

Check Out These Ways Get Rid of Dandruff In Kids.

What Causes Dandruff In Kids?

What Causes Dandruff In Kids
ImageSource: livingwellmom.com

Dandruff is not contagious. It could be very embarrassing for your child to deal with this situation when dandruff falls in the shoulders or neck.

In some serious tremendous cases of dandruff, it can be treated lightly. But, it is essential to know the cause of dandruff and the causes of dandruff in kids include

1. Malassezia:

One of the causes of dandruff in kids is the tiny fungus. The fungal growth is excessive on the scalp. But it doesn’t cause any major health problem. It leads to the dead cells that increase and mix with hair oil to form white flakes in kids. Any form of illness or changes in the level of hormones could trigger the growth of tiny fungus in excess as toddler dandruff.

2. Eczema:

kids who suffer from eczema are more prone to develop dandruff. Eczema is very common among young children and nearly more than 20% of the kids complain of such a skin condition. It appears as a scaly, cracked and dry skin which are too itchy and forms all over the body, that also includes the scalp. Eczema worsens up with the kid’s diet or if they are in contact with allergens present in the environment. The Itching can also lead to an infection when scratched in kids.

3. Overactive Oil Production:

A lot of people have overactive oil glands which is one of the dandruff causes in kids. This phenomenon takes place more towards the puberty when the excess hormones alter the oil glands and make it oily. Oil accumulates the base of the hair follicle which causes the dry flakes to cluster up. Such dry flakes are big enough that they are clearly visible by the naked eyes on the scalp. It becomes worse for the boys especially because they have noticeable dandruff as they develop excess oil.

4. Contact Dermatitis:

Contact dermatitis develops as a consequence of sensitivity to hair products which cause dandruff. From different hair serum to shampoos, the sensitivity to such products could be a possibility. Reactions can be itching, flaking, redness, and scaling of the scalp. Use of the shampoo continuously or using any kind of styling products can cause scalp irritation, and leads to symptoms of dandruff in kids.

5. Mal Nutrition:

One of the foremost important causes of dandruff in kids is malnutrition(R). Kids eat more unhealthy snacks or junk food rather than a fully nutritious diet, which leads to scalp itching or dandruff.

Sign and Symptoms of Dandruff In Kids

Sign and Symptoms of Dandruff In Kids
ImageSource: pxhere.com

Dandruff Symptoms Include the Below

  1. Flaky and dry skin that gets worse in cold weather
  2. Dry skin on the face, ears, forehead, or eyebrows
  3. Flaky skin on the parts of the body that have hair like chest
  4. Greasy or oily portions of skin on the scalp or other body parts
  5. Some redness in the affected area
  6. Momentary hair loss
  7. Contagious itching in the scalp area

How To Deal With Dandruff In Kids?

There are certain ways apart from home remedies that can help to deal with dandruff in kids. They are as follows

1. Use A Medicated Shampoo:

Using any kind of medicated shampoo works great in dealing dandruff in kids. That doesn’t mean you can use any kind of shampoo, before using any medicated shampoo do refer to a doctor. As the doctor will able to figure out which medical shampoo is good for your kid’s skin or scalp.

The frequency of shampoo will depend on the severity of dandruff. The ingredients reduce scaling and help the medication to work on the scalp.

2. Brush Before Shampoo:

Try to brush your kids thoroughly before every wash or doing shampoo. It will remove all the dead skin flakes and make it easier for the shampoo to work on the scalp. It will help eliminates the flakes to some extent in a way, which in turn will help better cleaning of the scalp after shampooing.

3. Stay Hydrated:

Staying hydrating is another way to deal with dandruff in kids. Give your kids a good amount of drink of water in order to stay hydrated. Keeping them hydrated will definitely reduce the chance of getting dandruff.

4. Say No To Harmful Hair Products:

If your kid has been using a conditioner or any other styling product, keep it away for now. Using these products will leave behind a residue, which will further worsen the condition. Kids are most prone to skin problems, so the hair gels or creams should not be applied to kids’ hair as it may lead to dandruff or other hair related issues in kids.

5. Use Combs and Towels:

This sounds simple but works great in reducing or dandruff treatment in kids. Try to use separate combs and towels for your kids in order to avoid germs on common towels and combs. This may boost more of dandruff issues in kids.

6. Oiling:

Oil your kid’s scalp regularly or even on alternate days is one of the ways to deal with dandruff in kids. This will help to keep the scalp moist, and thus make it dandruff-free.

7. Frequent Shampooing:

Nothing work that much great as frequent shampooing work for kids to remove or reduce dandruff. Frequent shampooing helps to keep away dust as this the main cause of dandruff in kids. You can do frequent shampooing on every alternative day.

8. Proper Nutrition:

Proper nutrition such as green and leafy vegetables are best for children dealing with dandruff issues. Proteins, carbohydrates and the other required nutrients also lead to moist and healthy skin, which in turn reduces dandruff in kids.

Home Remedies For Dandruff In Kids

There are many dandruff treatments for kids that can be opt-in home in order to reduce dandruff in kids. They are as follows

1. Aloe-Vera:

Aloe-veraThe leaf of Aloe Vera plant has soothing and heals effects on the skin. Aloe Vera heals that too as it reduces redness and itching. Aloe vera is a cooling agent that contains anti-fungal properties in it. It attracts moisture and traps the dead cells of the skin that causes dandruff. Aloe vera can be rubbed with shampoo, the dead skin comes off with it making it a great remedy for dandruff problems in kids.

All You Need:

  1. Aloe-vera Leaf or
  2. Aloe-vera juice

How To Use:

  1. Take 1 aloe vera leaf.
  2. Cut its edges and the thin protective layer over it
  3. Take out the exposing the gel inside of aloe vera leaf.
  4. Then apply that juice on the scalp.
  5. Then wash it off with warm water after 10 minutes.

2. Baking Soda:

Baking SodaBaking soda work as a great dandruff remedy for kids. It acts as an incredible scrub which helps to exfoliate the scalp. Baking soda is a powerful anti-fungal agent. It rubs off the dead skin and makes scalp cleaner and remove the excess oil too in the scalp. Baking soda also reduces the growth of fungi and balances the pH levels of the scalp.

All You Need:

  1. Some pinch of baking soda
  2. Lemon(if you want)
  3. Water

How to Use:

  1. Mix baking powder with enough amount of water or lemon if you want to make a paste.
  2. Apply the paste on the scalp and
  3. Leave for some time around 10-15 mins.
  4. Then wash off the hair properly.
  5. You can add a bit of baking soda to your regular shampoo and apply it normally on the scalp before rinsing it.

3. Coconut Oil:

Coconut OilCoconut contains anti-fungal properties and acts as a good scalp moisturizer in case of dandruff. The capric acid content in the oil works as an anti-fungal agent. Regular applying of coconut oil helps in treating severe dandruff too. The coconut oil not only makes the hair shafts shine but also helps the scalp to regularly release out dandruff.

All You Need:

  1. Coconut Oil

How To Use:

  1. Apply coconut oil directly on the scalp.
  2. keep it for a while at almost 30 mins.
  3. Then massage it through the scalp to nourish it deeply.
  4. Once coated the hair completely with oil,
  5. shampoo your kid’s hair.

4. Apple:

AppleApples are great sources of enzymes which are called as phenolase(R) that reduces the cell turnover rate. Apple is another product listed here for the homemade remedy to treat dandruff in kids. The main properly of apple on the scalp is to reduce the skin shed slowly such that dandruff does not accumulate furthermore.

All You Need:

  1. 1 apple
  2. Water

How To Use:

  1. Mash an apple and add two tablespoons of warm water to dilute the paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to the scalp and
  3. Massage for 5 mins.
  4. Let it remain for about 15 minutes and
  5. Then rinse off the hair.

5. Eggs:

EggsAnother most important homemade remedies for dandruff is an egg. It must be in the top few things that one must try in order to reduce dandruff. Egg oil has cholesterol and omega 3 fatty acids which bring the luster and shine to your hair removing dandruff and itching in scalps. An egg may not smell nice in hair, but it is a worthwhile treatment for many hair conditions.

All You Need:

  1. Eggs 1

How To Use:

  1. Beat one egg and mix it well.
  2. Apply the mixture to the hair and
  3. Let it remain for 10-15 mins.
  4. Wash off the hair using cold water followed by hot water.

6. Yogurt:

YogurtCurd helps to keep your scalp moist and soft in most of the case. Curd works wonders for removing dandruff in kids. Curd is one of the easiest found natural ingredients in the kitchen that work as a great remedy for dandruff which is caused by an oily scalp.

All You Need:

  1. Curd
  2. Lemon

How To Use:

  1. Take some curd and keep it at normal temperature in the room overnight.
  2. Apply it on the scalp and letting it sit for 15 minutes before washing it.
  3. You can add a teaspoon of lemon to rinse it later with shampoo too.

7. Lemon Juice:

Lemon JuiceLemon contains Vitamin C which helps in treating scalp issues such as dandruff. Lemon is a great exfoliant. It removes the dead skin cells from the scalp and reduces all the flakes accumulated on the scalp. This is a very simple and easily found in kitchen ingredient to apply as a treatment of dandruff. Lemon is acidic in nature and has a PH of 2 approximately.

All You Need:

  1. Lemon

How To Use:

  1. Take few lemons and juice them out
  2. Mix it in little water so that you do not dilute the lemon too much or too less.
  3. Massage this into scalp and leave it for few minutes
  4. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

8. Neem:

NeemNeem is also effective in treating dandruff in kids. Neem is the first and foremost important remedy in the list of home remedies for treating dandruff. It is also known as Indian Lilac and works as a great treatment for dandruff in kids. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties which are great for dandruff and skin.

All You Need:

  1. Neem leaf
  2. Water

How To Use:

  1. Take 4 cups of water and pour it in a pan.
  2. Add some neem or Indian Lilac leaves into it and let it boil in water
  3. Let it cool and drain it in a bowl.
  4. Then a paste of it and
  5. Use this paste to the hair scalps for 15-20 mins.
  6. Wash the hair after that.

9. Fenugreek Seed:

Fenugreek SeedYou can try with another interesting dandruff remedy for kids. Fenugreek seeds have anti-fungal and scalp soothing properties in it. This is a traditional Indian remedy for dandruff. Fenugreek seeds or methi helps in hair fall, dandruff, hair graying and dryness.

All You Need:

  1. Fenugreek Seed

How To Use:

  1. Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
  2. In the morning, make a paste of these seeds and mix some water.
  3. Apply this to the kid’s scalp and leave it for a few minutes
  4. Then wash it off.

10. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea Tree Oil
ImageSource: target.com

Tree oil has anti-fungal properties, which helps in soothing a dry scalp. The excellent oil which serves as great nourishment to hair and skin can be used as a remedy for dandruff in kids. Be careful while using it as you do not want it to contact the eyes of your kids. It helps in curing dandruff and eases out the itchiness and irritation caused by it.

All You Need:

  1. Tea Tree Oil

How To Use:

  1. Add a few drops of tea tree oil into the shampoo of your kid and let them use it regularly to wash their hair. Or
  2. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to coconut oil and
  3. Massage it onto your scalp and hair.
  4. You can leave it on overnight before washing it off with a herbal shampoo.

Dandruff in your kid will subside in a few weeks of age. It appears as per certain age or time. If you have noticed any excessive itching or redness, then you can refer with your kid’s doctor. In some cases, a recurring dandruff condition can be the symptom of some other illness. It is important to ensure timely dandruff treatment for kids as mention in the above of the article.