Eczema In Babies: Causes, Treatment, And Foods To Avoid


Keeping the symptoms under control while living with eczema is to a key to staying healthy. Eczema term is originated from the Greek which means “to boil out.” Finding a soothing eczema treatment could be life-changing for many suffering from this irritable and frustrating condition.

Generally, it is considered that eczematous dermatitis is not an emergency and it must not be taken into hospital emergency departments. Although there are exceptions to it:

  • When the skin is very irritated and breaks down causing infection. If the rashes have turned extremely painful and red hot. If blood is coming from the rash or the person has a fever. In this case, a visit to emergency department care would be needed.
  • A person affected by certain medical conditions like diabetes or on chemotherapy, AIDS, alcoholism or has weakened the immune system or is above 70 years of age should be taken immediately to the emergency department In hospitals.

What is Eczema?

Is your skin red, scaly, dry and itchy? An eczema is a group of skin conditions and not one single condition of the skin. It includes contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, neurodermatitis, hand eczema, stasis dermatitis, nummular eczema.

Atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema in babies usually shows up before the age of 5 and tends to appear on the cheeks and scalp of the baby. Eczema in babies also spreads to arms, legs, and chest or other body parts sometimes. After the baby’s 1 year, it shows up on the inside of the elbow, wrist, the back of the knees, ankles and can also appear elsewhere. Unfortunately there is no way to know ahead of time if the baby will outgrow eczema, however, fortunately, it becomes less severe with age.

Some Baby Ezema Pictures below:

In babies, the skin gets red, feels irritated and sometimes has small, fluid-stuffed bumps on the skin that comes to be moist and oozes out.


Usually the more the babies scratch the skin, the worse it gets.


Eczema usually comes and goes and is not contagious. But because of its intense itchy nature, it can be very uncomfortable for the babies and if untreated, gets worse.

Baby eczema Natural Remedies


The primary baby eczema treatment could be taken care of well by taking care of your baby’s skin.

How to treat Eczema

  • Skin care tips for baby eczema natural remedies: Bathing and moisturizing every time helps children with eczema. Do not have too warm water as it might dry out their skin faster. A lukewarm water bath could be the best. Using a mild soap or non-soap cleanser in their bath makes it comfortable along with shampooing at the end of the bath so that the baby is not sitting in the soapy water for long. Pat dry your baby as soon as you remove them from the bathtub and remember not to rub the towel. Remove the excess water from their skin with a soft towel. While the baby’s skin is still damp, apply moisturizer liberally on the baby’s body. You can also use ointment or cream, the lotion that seals the moisture in the skin helping your baby’s skin to remain supple.
  • Using bleach to treat eczema: This treatment was tried and tested for kids ranging from 6 months to 17 years. Soaking kids for 5-10 minutes in a diluted bleach bath twice a week could be an effective way to treat eczema. Avoid from kids drinking the water or the water getting into their eyes. Do not use it on the baby’s face, as the skin is sensitive. For the face area, it is best to use antibiotic ointments.

Other Quick Tips to Remember:

  • Dress your child in cotton inner wears and clothes such that their skin gets to breathe instead of any other material like woolen which could be irritating their skin.
  • Keep your baby in the cool environment as overheating would make them itchy and worsen the condition.
  • Salt water might improve eczema, it’s worth a try.
  • Avoid bathing your child more than once a day. Avoid usage of any bath preparations.
  • Apply moisturizer before going to swim in chlorinated water to the kid’s body.

Eczema Foods to Avoid list:

Although, eczema isn’t any specific allergy, in some children few allergic foods could make it worse. If the doctor suspects that your baby’s eczema is affected by some particular food, the suspects are more likely eggs and cow’s milk, soy, wheat, pulses or fish.

You might want to completely stop your child from having those foods or from you consuming it if in case you are breastfeeding. Eliminate the culprit foods one at a time, such that you are giving a test to each of it and following each test for a couple of weeks. Although it can take longer than 2 weeks to get all the trace of the food out of the system, most of it would be recognized.

A good solution for the parents feeding the baby with formula milk having eczema to switch into a hypoallergenic variety which is not soy based. Although this is not full proof but could be worth a try.

In case eczema in a baby doesn’t seem to improve, you must consult your pediatric dermatologist. The small dosage of steroids might be suggested by them. A steroid cream or ointment could work wonders for relieving eczema.

Home remedies to Treat Eczema

  • Coconut Oil Cold Pressed
  • Sunflower oil
  • Sea Spray
  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil
  • Calendula Cream
  • Oatmeal Bath
  • Magnesium Bath
  • Aloe Vera
  • Honey for Baby Eczema
  • Turmeric Paste

If you have any other treatment or home remedy to suggest, please use the comment section to let us know and help the other worried parents as well. Please share ahead and keep reading with us.