Best Home Remedies For Bug Bites In Children

Best Home Remedies For Bug Bites In Children

Insect bites and stings often cause mild reactions or rashes on the skin. People who have suffered from bed bug bites know how painful and itchy these can be, if not treated correctly. Below are a few of the best home remedies for bug bites in children.

Symptoms Of Bug Bites:

Most of the bites cause mild stinging or itching. While, a life-threatening allergic reaction, can happen, due to some of the bites, that requires emergency care. Symptoms of such an allergic reaction are:

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Facial swelling
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Hives
  • Wheezing
  • Severe itching, cramping, or numbness
  • Stomach cramps

An insect bite may even cause, a small, red lump on the skin, which may be painful and itchy. Some of the common insect bites and stings include: Wasp and hornet stings, Bee stings, Mosquito bites, Tick bites, Horsefly bites, Midge or gnat bites, Bedbug bites, Mite bites, Flea bites(R), Spider bites, Ant stings and bites, Ladybird bites, Flower bug bites and Caterpillar hairs.

The bug bites, are typically found in straight lines across the skin, and generally appear on the face, neck, hands or arms.

The common areas, where the bug bites appear are: on the face, neck, hands or arms. They’re typically found in straight lines across the skin.

How Do You Get Bed bugs?

The most common Places that can have bedbug infestations include Hotels, motels, and cruise ships; Apartment buildings and condominiums; Shelters; Hospitals and nursing homes; Dormitories; Buses and trains.

Below Are Few Home Remedies For Bug Bites In Children:

1. Baking Soda:

Baking Soda

You can use baking soda, as one of the remedies for bug bites, to relieve the itching of bug bites. Mix baking soda with enough water and make it into a sticky paste. Apply it to the bitten area, and allow it to dry. You can also add it in your lukewarm bath water.

2. Banana:


Banana is very useful when it comes to itching. Take a banana and peel it. Now, place the white skin of the peel, directly on the bite. Leave it for 90 minutes. Then, wash it off and apply hand sanitizer. One should avoid this, home remedy, if they have an open wound or cut.

3. Activated charcoal:

Activated charcoal

This home remedy, for bug bites, can be used to draw out toxins that cause inflammation, swelling, and itching.

This can help draw out toxins that cause inflammation, swelling, and itching. To make a paste, take the powdered form of charcoal, and mix with enough water to make a paste, and apply to the affected area. After 30 minutes, wipe the paste off with a wet cloth.

4. Meat tenderizer:

Meat tenderizer

You can use the meat, to form as a paste with a meat tenderizer, and mix it with water. Rub it on the bite, and your child is free from itching.

5. Rubbing alcohol or nail polish:

Rubbing alcohol or nail polish

Dip a piece of cotton in alcohol and place it on the itchy and the affected area. You can even put a band-aid if you do not want to hold it. This will decrease the itching and prevent from infection. Additionally, using a little bit of clear nail polish will help, too.

6. Honey:


Honey, has anti-inflammatory properties, and using this can reduce itching to a certain extent.

7. Ice Pack or ice:

Ice Pack or ice

Take some ice out from the freezer and put it on the bite. This will help in reducing the itching.

8. Essential Oils:

Essential Oils

Using essential oils, such as Tea tree, Lavender(R), and Coconut oils, contain all the properties, that help in alleviating itching, pain, and swelling.

As tea tree contains, antibacterial properties, using this will help to prevent infection from continuous scratching. Lavender oil contains natural anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling and redness. Few oils may possess acidic properties. Make sure to consult a dermatologist about an oil’s concentration before you apply it directly to your skin. You can even dilute it with water if the oil is too strong.

9. Milk and water:

Milk and water

Mix skimmed milk and water in equal parts, dip a thin cloth into the concoction and dab your skin. This is one of the remedies for bug bites in children.

10. Toothpaste:


Most of the toothpaste contains a mint or peppermint flavor, and this menthol ingredient can create a cooling sensation on your skin. Additionally, the astringent feature of the toothpaste may even help to reduce swelling.

11. Mouthwash:


Mouthwash works as an antiseptic and prevents the area from infection. Take a cotton pad and dab it in the mouthwash. Keep it on the bitten area.

12. Mud:


Mix mud with water and apply it directly on the bite. Let it dry naturally. Wash it off afterward. Applying mud will stop the itching.

13. Basil:


An excellent herb found in the kitchen. Basil leaves contain chemicals such as camphor, which creates a cool feeling, similar to menthol in toothpaste. Crush a few leaves and apply the bits directly to your affected areas.

14. Vinegar:


An excellent home remedy, for itching, as it contains few acidic levels. Dab it onto individual spots or, you can add two to three cups to warm water and soak in a tub. Apple Cider Vinegar may even work better for itching.

Other treatment procedures, may include:

If your child is bitten, the first line of treatment to give your child is to quickly check to see what caused the sting or bite, such as a mosquito, ant, or bee. If the sting of any particular insect is trapped in the skin, remove it by pulling, brushing or scraping it out of the skin. You can also use, tweezers, credit cards, tape, and fine brushes, because the stingers are usually not embedded deep inside the skin.