How to Make a First Aid Kit for Kids


Accidents and incidents are routine when you have a kid at home, specially when the child starts moving around and exploring in their own sweet ways. More than often the injuries can be attended to at home, and we just need a basic emergency care kit to prevent the wound from getting septic. As parents, there are some basic preparatory essentials which are needed to give safe and secure aid to children at home. And having a first aid kit is a part of staying with family. Let us learn about how to make a first aid kit for kids.

First Aid Kit Checklist:

First-aid-kit-checklistA child’s first aid kit must be handy and average sized with most emergent items of medical care in it. This is just to give first important medical care at home, even before taking the child to the ER. Some essentials of first aid kit include:

1. Basic First Aid Kit:

  •  Antiseptic alcohol pads
  •  All sizes of bandaids and try for some waterproof ones too
  •  Elastic bandages
  •  Hot and cold packs
  • Medical tape
  • Saline spray and small container or sterile water
  •  Cotton balls and Q tips
  •  Sterile gloves and sterile gloves
  • Hand sanitizer
  •  Anti-bacterial soap
  •  Sterile pads
  • Triangular bandages
  •  CPR mask with one way valve
  •  Ace wrap elastic bandage
  •  Small and sharp scissors
  •  Tweezers
  •  Adhesive medical tape
  •  Needles and matches

II. Some Over the Counter Medications:

  •  Acetaminophen
  • Antibiotic ointment like polysporin and neosporin
  •  Calamine lotion
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  •  Ibuprofen
  • Thermometer
  • sunscreen
  • Benadryl cream
  • Antihistamines to treat allergies and swelling
  • Decongestants to treat nasal congestion
  • Anti diarrhea medicine.
  • Antacids and laxatives
  • Epinephrine autoinjector

III. Other Essentials:

  • Flashlight with additional batteries charged
  • Insect repellent (deet free)
  • Emergency blanket
  • Paper and pencils
  • Safety pins
  • Bottle of drinking water
  • Powdered power drink mix
  • ORS packets
  • Splinting material
  • Basic first aid manual
  • Phone numbers of emergency contacts and healthcare providers

How to Make a First Aid Kit for Kids:

first-aid-kit-for-kidsTo make a first aid kit for kids, you will need a small box which can be taped or colored for a medical kit. And the tapes, adhesives, and colors to paint it as a medical kit. Items you need include:

  • A red colored plastic box or any box which can be colored red
  • All purpose cleaner to wipe the box clean
  • Metal putty knife
  • Self-adhesive laminating sheets
  • Scissor, ruler, and pen

How to Make a First Aid Kit for Kids at Home:

first-aid-kit-for-kids-atTo make a first aid kit at home you need the right size of the box, which is not very big and not very small, but fair enough to hold all the essential medical aids. The content material must be waterproof and must have a handle for easy lift. Translucent boxes are great as it is easy to know the items to be replaced. The container must have locks as you need to prevent children from opening them. Label the box properly as children’s first aid kit.

Keep a checklist handy of all items in the first aid box and keep checking for them everytime you open. You must teach your child the basic usage of first aid kit. And the cautions to be taken when using them. Don’t let them use it by own but providing information would help in their awareness.

  • Print patterns like + and more on a contact paper
  • Apply red color if the box is not in red color
  • metal putty knife cut out the pattern
  • Cut and paste the labels on the box
  • Apply a + to all sides of the box
  • Keep the first aid kit away from the range of kids but in a dry and dark place which is easy and handy to reach for everyone else.

Some Handy Tips for Keeping First Aid Kit Prepared at all Times:

  • Keep the first aid kit at home at a very convenient place
  • Do not expose it to high temperature
  • Keep a basic first aid kit in car as well
  • Keep checking the expiry of every medicine in the box regularly
  • Review the first aid box after every use for replenishing the items used
  • Never leave the first aid kit open in the reach of your kids

The above compilation on How to make a first aid kit for kids is to help everyone keep the children safe and secure at home. Accidents are natural and being prepared with first aid kit helps in giving the emergency care that can prevent severe situations.

Be sure to rush to an ER as first aid at home is just a basic care.

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