Check Out These 6 Postpartum Depression Symptoms

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What exactly is postpartum depression? Is it real? If it is real then what are the postpartum depression symptoms? Can it be prevented before delivery? And, is there any difference between normal stress and postpartum depression?

This very term fills you with a series of questions. But, to start with the first question, postpartum depression (PPD) is a medical condition where a person gets affected with a kind of mental disorder after childbirth. From serious mood disorders to sadness, change in sleeping patterns, and a lot more. This happens in 1 in 8 women during the early months of after the childbirth. So, now you know that this medical condition is for real. Now, jumping to straight to the next to next question (as we will be elaborate the topic of postpartum depression symptoms) which asks, “can it (postpartum depression) be prevented before delivery?”.

The answer is that it is not absolutely possible to avoid this mental disorder, but one can reduce the risk of falling prey to this condition. The treatment a woman gets during her pregnancy period is something which can help to reduce the symptoms of postpartum depression. And, to answer the last question, yes, there is a huge difference between normal postpartum stress and postpartum depression. If you are suffering from normal new moms’ stress, then you won’t go through chronic mood disorders like a woman go through while being in postpartum depression.

In this article, we will be enlightening you with the symptoms of postpartum depression. But, before we go ahead, you must understand that one woman with PPD might seem and sound completely different from the other one. Well, let’s dive into the topic now.

6 Postpartum Depression Symptoms

1. Anger

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It might sound unfamiliar to you but it is true that a number of new mothers filled up with rage, anger, and irritation. And, these symptoms are not limited to a few women but it is quite a common issue with most of the new moms. From your partner to the new baby, from your older children to any of your relatives, all of them are irritating you at a level that you haven’t experienced before.

You sometimes feel like throwing or destroying things to get rid of your frustration. You understand that you shouldn’t be feeling like this but whatever you do, you are incapable of getting rid of the anger that is bulging inside of you. Even, you can’t predict your own behavior which makes you feel more than worse.

2. Hindrance In Functioning of Brain

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Postpartum depression is something which hinders the functioning of the brain. It is difficult for a woman who is struggling with PPD to remember things easily. As women are known for being a multitasker, but this mental disorder hinders their multitasking capacity. Daily activities become more and more difficult with each passing time. Even, the capability to be focus starts fading with time. If you feel that your mind is cloudy and your intelligence level has degraded to a minimum of 20 IQ points, then don’t think that you are the only one who is suffering from this very condition.

3. Horrifying Thoughts

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Many of us think they have complete control over their senses and especially on their thoughts. But, postpartum depression is something which makes you go through a ride of intrusive thoughts. Thoughts which upsets you and you know that you cannot share these thoughts with anyone but still, these scary thoughts keep disturbing you. This feels like you are living in a world full of nightmares. You keep on thinking what if you do something terrible to yourself or maybe to your newborn. All of these thoughts are quite common after childbirth and they don’t depict that you have turned into a monster. Though all of these thoughts are a sign of postpartum anxiety and OCD.

4. A Sense of Being Numb

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It isn’t true that the women who go through postpartum depression always face strong emotions like frustration, sadness, or anything like that. They can just go numb, very often. This medical condition makes you feel empty and hollow from inside. You are trying to keep up with the flow but nothing is in your favor because you are not able to feel anything inside you. If you feel disconnected with the things which were used to be a part of you or nothing is relatable to you then this is the high time to pay a visit to a doctor. You shouldn’t be feeling like this because this is not what new motherhood feels like.

5. Disturbances In Sleep Patterns

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It is advisable to sleep when your baby sleeps. But, what if you are unable to sleep. You try hard to fall asleep, but it is not working anymore. The scary thoughts keep bugging you and it doesn’t matter how hard you try, but your every possible way gets hindered with one or the other reason. You need to understand that your sanity has a direct link to your sleeping patterns. If you are unable to sleep properly then there would be a chance of you to ending up on a psych ward.

6. Physical Symptoms

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Besides all these symptoms, there are a few symptoms which are linked to your daily physical activities. Most of the new mothers think that postpartum depression is a condition where the primary target is your mental condition only. But, that is not absolutely because this condition also attacks you physically. A woman suffering from PPD feels that she feels headaches, backaches, upset stomachs, nausea, or even panic attacks as if they are the signs of a heart attack. A sudden attack of flu or aches or pains for which there is no valid reason, then it could be a sign that you are suffering from postpartum depression.

So, that sums up our list of postpartum depression symptoms. If you have felt anything like this then please do share your story with. You can also share your ways of how to get rid of this medical condition as soon as possible.