Potty Training Mistakes to Avoid


After all the diaper rushes and smelly poopy explosions, it’s finally time to put all the diapers away. Soon after your toddler gains physical strength to open and wear the PJ’s by themselves it may be time for most moms to begin with their most important milestone,” Potty training” While there are studies suggesting how a toddler became fully potty trained at age 2 and how still at age 3 the toddler does not even give signs for elimination communication.

To each child the potty training is different. As each child begins at their own pace. No kid will pass out of their high school in diapers, this was the line which I as a mom learned. And while there is no fixed time to begin, as all toddlers have their own developmental cycle. Keep looking for readiness symptoms and do not force or put them under any pressure.

Some Potty Training Mistakes to Avoid:

It is very common as most parents do not understand the details of potty training their kids and just put pressure on them. Some kids give in and learn out of fear and while others keep struggling even beyond 3-3.5 years. Let us learn these potty training mistakes which parents must avoid:

1. Too Early Potty Training:

The potty’s for kids might write age 9 or 12 months as recommended age to sit on them. But this is not the right age to become independent in cleaning and wiping it all after themselves. Kids must be physically developed and have gained arm strength to the order of being able to dress and undress themselves and also be big enough to deal with it on their own. Most parents would start by 18-24 months, which in my opinion is the right time. Starting too early sometimes regresses and delays the actual potty training process.

Too-early-potty-training2. Scolding and Punishing:

Remember the struggle to learn potty basics is more at the child’s end. They are the ones who are trying even harder and maybe they don’t get to succeed quickly. That in no ways means these toddlers must be punished or scolded for not adhering to potty fundamentals The more is psychological pressure the harmful it gets for child’s overall mental health. We don’t want to make the child scared or worried, they just have to learn it, eventually, they will, maybe in a month or in a years time.

3. Following other Kids:

Making the elder one in family as example and expecting the younger kids to follow is illogical. Not every kid is alike, and specially siblings. They are never alike in attaining their milestones and development. Comparing to other kids just makes them more counterproductive. And may also cause undue psychological pressure on the child

4. Speeding them into Potty Basics:

Not every child can go ahead with the 3 days to potty training. There may be studies suggesting its success, but not all kids are ready for this. Remember the more you rush, the few chances that kids are potty trained quickly. You have to teach them efficiency and effectiveness in addition to learning quickly. You don’t want rectal or urinal infections due to improper training in a rush

Speeding-them-into-potty5. Shaming the Toddler:

Shaming your toddler for failing the potty training is hara kiri and this would not only delay their potty training process but also cause a lot of mental torture. Kids must never consider potty training gross, it is as much part of us like any other life functions. Never make them feel they are dirty or shame them due to the accidents which would happen.

6. Forcing the Toddler:

It is never advised to force as a kid into learning anything. If you force them, chances are they dont learn even in a years time. The readiness of a child can help in getting potty trained in less than a week if followed without making any mistakes.

Forcing-the-toddler7. Consistency:

If you begin the potty training exercise it is very very important to stay consistent with it. Do not allow for big changes like shifting home, vacation, relative visiting or anything that would break the consistency and delay the process of potty training. Also, the school and at home practices must be similar to avoid any confusion for the child

8. Don’t Forget the Time Table:

Reminding every 20-30 minutes for going to the bathroom and never forgetting the same is the most important part here. If you forget the time line you would be the reason for the accidents and not the child

9. Chasing and Arguing:

Never chase your child all the time for potty training and arguing over who and what went wrong can simply delay the process. A firm reaction to the mess inside a home is far better than the chasing and arguing episodes. Kids may also start liking the chasing and arguing a form of attention so they may start repeating it again and again.

Chasing-and-arguing10. Diapers at bed time and pull ups are just the same as diapers:

If you have dived into potty training marathon then stick with it. No need for special night time diapers or pull ups. These are just feel good ones and do more harm than benefit. They also confuse the child as to whats the exact way of using the bathroom and when can they do it in bed.

11. Not using Training Pants:

All toddlers and kids are excited to use big kids underwear. But potty training is not the right time for them. Just remember these big kids under wears are so thin that accidents would be even more bad for you to clean up. Using thick and double seamed training under wears will not just reduce the mess but also give them the same feeling as the adult under wears.

12. Not Rewarding:

Remember to reward your kid everytime they successfully piss or poop in correct way. Stickers, M & M’s, tattoos and snacks can be great for them to be motivated to get potty trained quickly.

13. Don’t Sky-Rocket Your Expectations:

Be realistic, and dont over estimate your child. Expecting great results is fine but making them achieve it by forcing or scaring is not right

Dont-sky-rocket-your-expectThe above compilation on Potty training mistakes to avoid is to help all parents to guide their toddlers in accomplishing their most important milestones in most promising and structured ways rather than causing any discomfort and embarrassment. Just remember never force or pressurize or scold them, these kids need our support and encouragement more than anything else.

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