15 Important Working Tips For A Pregnant Woman


If you are pregnant, doesn’t mean that you have to stop working. Looking for some “pregnant women working tips?”. We are going to talk about some great ways to manage work while pregnant here. There is absolutely no harm in working but you have to be sure that you are having a normal pregnancy. Pregnancy in itself can be a whole sort of full-time job. Taking care of you during these months is the most critical thing to do. More attention towards physical and mental health along with emotional health is vital during this time. Working during pregnancy is a necessity for some, whereas, a strong desire for others. Office culture is not necessarily a great environment for physical strength and mental health. From office politics to work stress, from sugar treats to passive smoking, things can get challenging for a pregnant woman at work.

Many women choose to continue working during pregnancy and it is absolutely normal to do so. However, it doesn’t mean that work will be easy for you. You will see that there are a lot of hormonal changes on-going in you which makes you require extra energy to do things gradually as you near the delivery date. When you are pregnant, you will have to adjust your work habits and bring in some changes in the daily schedule to stay safe and comfortable at the workplace too. These changes help you to be able to adjust your routine in a more comfortable way and also for your co-workers.

Check Out: 15 Important Working Tips For A Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy Health Tips For Working Women


1. Eat a nutritious diet:

This is the foremost tip for working pregnant woman. You could be used to eating what you like, want and when you want at work. However, now, you do not have the leisure to choose that. A pregnant woman cannot ignore her diet at any cost. Being into strict and busy schedules, many women ignore their food which can pose a problem not only to the child but also the mother. To combat the basic problems of acidity, you must not leave your stomach empty for a long duration. Avoid having junk or fatty food which is readily available at work. Opt for healthy juices and whole diet food instead. A balanced diet is a must. If possible bring homemade lunch.

2. Carry mini meals:

First thing is to buy yourself a bigger lunch box so that you have healthy snacks available at work for intervals. Popcorns, cracker, cheese, hardboiled egg, peanut butter, fruits, nuts etc could make great snack items for you to nibble during your work hours. Eat in proper regular intervals to keep up your energy. Get homemade snacks as far as possible.

3. Keep yourself hydrated:

Keep liquid (lemon juice, fruit juice, iced water) for quenching your thirst. Keep sipping water in every few intervals. A pregnant woman is recommended to have a liter of water in every 3-4 hours at the least. Also, having pasteurized milk is also healthy in intervals.

4. Medication/ home remedies:

Keep mint or any home remedial item ready to avoid or fight the nauseated feeling. Take proper does of medicine and keep timely reminders on your mobile phone if need be to not forget it. Make sure to have enough vitamins from natural ingredients like fruits for Vitamin C etc.

5. Carry a notepad:

Staying organized really helps as you can write down all that you have to do at work and at home. Doctor’s appointments and physical exercised noted on your dairy makes it easier to systematize. Pregnancy can get easier if the pregnant woman sticks to the schedule to avoid any extra work and be exhausted and tired.

Carry-a-notepad6. Take proper breaks:

There is no doubt that this is a healthy routine for all the office goes, but very essential for the mother-to-be. The gossipy water-cooler-sessions can often turn as a distraction and end up causing hustle and stress to complete the daily target. Whereas, it is suggested to take a sensible healthy break where you can take a walk outside the campus if the weather permits and relax for a while before returning to work. You can have your co-worker join you for social interaction too if you need. Have scheduled breaks to avoid getting overly stressed.

7. Hygiene:

Maintain good hygiene to keep yourself healthy when you need it the most. A mother-to-be cannot take things for granted, now that she has the little one growing in her. Wash your hands regularly at the workplace. Maintaining hygienic conditions is a must for you and your baby. Healthy tips for working women include this as the primary hygiene rule.

8. Inform your boss/ colleague:

It is sensible to inform your boss about your pregnancy such that you have the required support. Plan your leaves beforehand such that it is not a surprise for your boss and in turn, you succumb to the work pressure. If you are planning to stop working or take a break from work, speak to your boss accordingly.

9. Stretch and Exercise:

Go for a walk in intervals. Also, you can do some quick stretching/ exercises sitting at your workplace. This helps in proper blood circulation in your body and prevents problems of swollen feet and backache. Close off your eyes and relax, popping your feet onto a stool, ease out. Take power naps.

Stretch-and-Exercise10. Clothes:

Wearing comfortable clothes to work is the key here. Your clothes need not be very loose or fitting ones. But something that facilitates you to breathe and the baby to grow. This is one thing that you do not want to be conscious while at your office and get distracted or disturbed about.

11. Flexibility in the work environment:

A good way to go about pregnancy and work is that the mother-to-be has some flexibility in the work timing. For example, you can work from home every alternate day or 2 days in a week. Or reduce your working hours as per your convenience and comfort.

12. Avoid smoking areas:

Avoid drinking throughout your pregnancy and until you stop breastfeeding your baby. However, a lot of work environment has a smoking zone which a pregnant woman should avoid every bit of it. Smoking is harmful during pregnancy for the mother as well as the baby.

13. Never let the guilt sinks in:

Don’t expect yourself to perform the same way you used to before pregnancy. If your job is demanding, ask your boss to fit you into a profile for a while where there isn’t much stress or demanding work. Request to have a change in your work hours or lesser work hours as per your convenience. Never say “I am not able to do justice to my work”, it will only sink you in and make you sad and bothered. This should be the last thing that should concern you. You are doing great personally and professionally, reassure yourself this each day.

14. Sleep well:

Try to get good 7-9 hours of proper sleep every night. You are fresh and ready for the next day after a good night’s sleep. Get an additional pillow for placing it between your legs and under the belly for extra comfort. Lie on your side to enhance the blood flow to your baby and to prevent any ankle or feet swellings.

15. Maintain the correct posture:

A pregnancy healthy tip for working woman is to maintain her posture while working. Do not stand or sit for very long stretches. Change your posture for proper blood circulation. Make sure your chair has an adjustable hand rest to be comfortable. Have a cushion seat and good lower back support. Use an extra pillow as per your convenience to ease your back and prevent discomfort and pain. Wear comfortable shoes to provide you with enough grips and arch support.

Types of jobs Suitable for Pregnant Woman

Types-of-jobs-suitableIf you are looking for jobs while pregnancy, know that you can make money and still get some good rest that is vital during pregnancy.

  • Work-from-home options: Ask for your existing firm for a work from home profile.
  • Freelance writer: You can hit deadlines and express your creative skills with the written communication to keep yourself employed. These types of jobs are very versatile and also flexible.
  • Become a recruiter: Take along your experience in HR background or any other role that you have experience in. You can be a recruiter in a firm where you will be responsible for crafting job descriptions, conduct phone calls or telephone interviews.
  • Virtual assistant: Every business needs someone to organize things and getting the little things sorted. Use your Microsoft office skills (R) skill etc, to manage the online stock etc.

There are various other types of jobs which can be done easily by pregnant women with no heavy lifting job and plenty of rest and ease. Plus when the baby comes in, it is lots easier to continue the same work for a while until you are good to go to the office and look for something else.

Read more on tips on going back to work after baby