9 Tips to Grocery Shop With a Baby


Grocery shopping is mandatory and a frequent thing for every household. Once you have a newborn, you might find it difficult to go out and shop with the baby. Here you need to know some simple tips to make the shopping with your baby a mess free and comfortable small trip for you and your baby.

You might have many trips to the grocery store But, grocery shopping after the baby is an entirely different story. You should keep a few things always ready to soothe and comfort your baby.

This article discusses the easiest ways to grocery shop with your baby. It presents a few tips to grocery shops with your baby.

How To Grocery Shop With a Baby?

Being a new mom doubles your responsibilities. If you do not organize the things properly you may feel like dealing with many kindergarten kids at the same time. Here are a few tips for grocery shopping with a baby.

Tip 1 # Carry your baby Safely:

Using baby sling is the best way to grocery shop with the baby. This is the foremost step that you should plan gently to avoid any discomforts to the baby. It is not safe to ride the babies in the shopping cart until they turn around 6 months. Each year there are many shopping cart injuries among the children in the age group of 4 months to 10 months.

There are many different ways to hold and carry the baby. Here are the few convenient and safe ways to carry your newborn baby.

Option 1: Baby Wear

Baby wear offers you a chance to bond your baby closer to you with your hands free. It is the best option to keep your baby safe from bugs and sleep without any disturbances.

Being closer to your baby strengthens the physical and emotional bond with your child and promotes early language development in your child.

Option 2: Pram


Unlike strollers, pram is generally suitable for carrying newborn and younger babies and offer them smooth ride.

While looking for the pram, check whether the backrest can be adjusted to make it flat for the new born baby to lie.

Option 3: Hammock


Attach the hammock to the cart and lie your baby in it. Make sure that the hammock is strong enough to hold your baby.

The hammock is simple and easy to carry with you. Never make your baby unattended.

Option 4: Infant capsule


It is designed to hold babies upto 6 months of age. It is facilitated with the base that makes it fit easily in the car seat.

If you do not find the cart that can accommodate the infant capsule then a lot of space in the cart gets wasted. Make sure to adjust the backseat of the capsule as per the age and weight of your baby. It is recommended to use the capsule with the cover to protect your baby from the elements that disturb their sleep and comfort.

Option 5: New born baby stroller


It is perfectly fine to carry your newborn in a stroller which is specifically designed for them. I rarely recommend using it while shopping for the more grocery items as it is difficult to handle both stroller and shopping cart at a time.

If there are few things to buy you can keep them at the bottom of the stroller.

Tip 2 # Carry Formula bottle or nursing Cover

Carry-Formula-bottle-or-nurYou do not need to over pack. But, you have to be prepared for everything. You can estimate the time taken to finish the shopping in between many constraints like traffic, long queues at the grocery stores etc. It is your responsibility to feed your baby at the right time whenever they are hungry.

Store the formula milk or breast milk in a bottle or carry a nursing cover to feed your baby in the nursing rooms available at the shopping malls.

Tip 3 # Schedule your shopping at the right time


Plan your grocery shopping trip at the right time that is comfortable for the baby. Here are the few comfortable timings to go out with your baby:

After the feed: It is a good choice to take your baby shopping as soon as you feed Because the baby who has satisfied their tummy can play and remain comfortable for a longer time.

Nap Time: It is a good choice to go out with your baby for shopping as the small noises may not affect the sleep of your newborn baby.

Tip 4# Diaper Bag


It is always safe and recommended to carry a diaper bag along with you. Here are the few things that you need to carry in your diaper bag.

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Burp clothes
  • Pacifiers

Tip 5 # Keep your first trip short


Keep your first trip always short as you don’t know how your newborn reacts to the surrounding environment.

Tip 6 # Make a list of things


We may forget the things that we plan to buy. Make a list of things that you need to buy. This makes your shopping easier instead of searching for the things. Carry a marker along with you to check the items that you picked up. It saves your shopping time.

Tip 7 # Park your car closer to the cart return

Park-your-car-closer-to-theParking your car closer to the cart return may avoid the risk of carrying your baby in one hand and grocery bag in the other hand.

If your car is much closer to the cart return you can place the baby in the car and carry the grocery things. Ensure to pay attention to your baby when they are alone in the car.

Tip 8 # Park your car in parent and child parking bay


Usually all the places may not have this facility. If you have a child below 12 months of the age you can utilize this space for parking your car. These parking bays are often closest to the exit doors which keep your baby safer.

Tip 9 # Shop Online


Prefer online shopping if you find difficulty in handling the baby on your own. Doing online shopping once a month saves you time.

When To Go Grocery Shopping With a Baby ?


Many parents’ common question is whether to take their newborn to the grocery store or not? Parents may fear their baby being affected by bugs, germs and insects.

You can always take them to the grocery store along with you by following the precautions to prevent them from the risk of irritants.

Taking baby for grocery shopping benefits the baby, by enhancing cognitive skills. The 9 tips presented in this article will help to make your trip to the grocery store a hassle free one.