15 Easy Easter Craft Ideas for Toddlers


Easter is the season of crafts for kids. Fun and creative crafts add more color to Easter. Crafts are a best choice to promote motor skills and hand eye coordination.

Traditional crafts represent the culture of any country. Crafts embed in them the art, and reflect the people’s lifestyle and history. Crafts are the practical way of teaching your kids many skills. stimulate your kids to make their own way of celebrating this Easter with the most useful handcrafts. Crafts teach kids some recycling skills which are more essential for the children to help the environment.

This article presents some Easter craft making ideas for toddlers.

Why Easter Crafts for Kids?


Crafts and artwork are rewarding for the kids at various levels. It helps parents to have some quality with the children.

1. Screen free time:

The technology these days making everyone busy including the little ones. Eye contact and some quality time helps in enhancing and strengthening the relationships.

Get your kids involved in some activities that allow them to form stronger bonds before they addict to the screens.

2. Allows some friendly and encouraging conversation between the parents and kids:

Most of the time, the conversation between the kids and parents involves parents telling their child what to do and teaching them some discipline principles. This kind of conversation may make the kids feel bored and sometimes they may develop some aggressive behavior towards their parents.

Crafts allow the kids to open up their thoughts and creative skills. These provide some space for the parents to know the interests of the kids. Crafts generate some closeness and warmth between kids and parents. This builds a base for the successful collaboration in the future.

3. Promotes Confidence and Self-esteem:

Confidence can be developed by achieving something. When kids create something new out of their creativity, they build the self confidence within them unconsciously. Self confidence helps them to ignite the creative skills and put them into practice.

4. Balances Mood Disorders:

Crafts allow the kids to have some creative time with their parents. Crafts help to lower the levels of stress and promote a good mood. When kids create something new, they are likely to release the happy hormone known as dopamine. Spending some creative time with the kids promotes mental wellness in the parents. Calm and happy moments give some way for the loving moments.

5. Helps the parents to reconnect with the own creativity:

This busy world has imposed many responsibilities on the parents. When you decide to make out some time for the creative activities, it allows you to step out into another dimension that relieves burdensome feelings. When the brain is used for some creative activities, you are likely to activate various parts of the brain which will help for a more balanced and active life.

6. Helps the kids to dig their imagination:

With the advent of technology, the imagination has become a foreign object for the kids. When kids watch videos, they tend to learn the creativity of others. Crafts are the best platform to put forward their imagination in a practical manner.

7. Allows parents to introduce cultural values to their kids:

Crafts are the great way of introducing cultures and traditions that are associated with the festivals. Crafts stimulate kids to participate actively in social events and develop respect towards their culture.

Easter Craft Ideas for Toddlers:

Here are a few simple Easter craft ideas for toddlers:

1. Bunny Bucket:


Easter buckets have significant place in the celebration of Easter. In united States, the tradition that is associated with Easter is that Easter Bunny drops off a bucket of candies for children overnight. Children leave the Easter basket outside and assume that the Easter bunny fills it with candies, favorite toys, and gifts the night before Easter. This Easter basket tradition story varies with the country.

This is a simple Easter craft that can be done easily with the things that are available at every household.

Things Needed:

● Empty tissue paper roll
● Carb board
● Ribbon
● Tape

How to Do this Craft:

1. To start with this craft, simply grab a tissue roll or some empty cylindrical container from the pantry.
2. If you are using the tissue roll ensure to close the bottom part with a round cardboard.
3. Wrap outside of the cylinder with a colored tape or you can also use the color paper.
4. Make out the bunny ears from the cardboard and tape them to the inner side of the tissue roll.
5. Make small holes in the inner side of the tissue roll and then string a ribbon or wire inside it resembling the handle of the basket.

2. Paper Plate Bunny:


This is a simple craft that toddlers can easily do. It requires very few supplies. It helps to build up hand eye coordination in toddlers.

Things needed:

● Pom poms
● Pipe cleaners
● Goodly eyes
● Medium size paper plates

How to make this craft:

1. Stick wiggly eye on the paper plate.
2. Take a pom pom ball and stick it on the paper plate as bunny nose.
3. Take 3 piece of pipe cleaners and twist them at the center. Stick it near the nose of the bunny.
4. Mark the mouth of the bunny with the marker.
5. Allow your kid to cut out bunny ears and stick them at the top of the paper plate.
6. This activity stimulates your kid to promote hand eye coordination.

The tip to enhance the appearance of this bunny is to maintain same color for pom pom balls, pipe cleaners, and ears.

3. Yarn wrapped carrots:


This craft encourages your kid to develop many skills. Follow the safety measure while younger kids are doing this craft as this involve cutting with scissors.

Things Needed:

1. Draw the carrot shape along the card board and encourage your kid to cut along the borders.
2. Allow your kid to wrap the yarn several times around the carrot such that it looks good.
3. You can also add the glue on the carrot shape to put the yarn in its place.
4. Take color clips or you can make your child to color the clips with ink pad and pin them at the top of the yarn wrapped carrot representing the carrot leaves.

4. Cupcake Spring flowers:


The traditional spring flowers are the great way to incorporate into the Easter crafting of your kid.

Cupcake liner flowers are the best choice to make some spring flowers. Your toddler can do this craft on their own with little assistance

Things Needed:

● Cupcake liners of various sizes
● Buttons
● Scissors
● Glue
● Popsicle stick
● Green color paper

How to Make this craft:

1. Gather cup cake liners of various sizes and decorate each of the cup liner with a button in the center. You can also use the pipe cleaner, color paper, pom poms or beads to decorate the cupcake.
2. Glue popsicle sticks at the back of each flower representing stem of the flower.
3. Cut out the leaf shape from the green color paper and stick it to the stem of the flower.

5. Pom Pom chicks:


Pom poms are the best and easily available craft item. This craft is best to be introduced at the early stages.

Things Needed:

● Pom poms
● Wiggly eyes
● Card board
● Pipe cleaners

Hoe to make this craft:

1. Take a pom pom ball and stick the wiggly eyes.
2. Allow your kid to cut a small rectangle and stick it as the nose of the chick.
3. Ask your kid to cut the pipe cleaners into smaller sizes and glue it as the legs.

6. Bunny cup crafts:


This is the simple and easy craft for younger kids. It can be made easily with the disposable cups.

Things Needed:

● Cups
● Wiggly eyes
● Card boards
● Straws

How to make this Craft:

1. Place the cup in the reverse pattern on the table.
2. Allow your kid to stick the wiggly eyes with the help of glue.
3. Allow your kid to make out bunny nose and ears from the cardboard.
4. Take two straws and cut them into small pieces.
5. Place the two straws one over the other and ask your kid to glue them below the nose.
6. Ask your kid to mark the mouth with the help of a marker.

7. Easter Egg Potato Stamp:


This craft allows your toddler to design the craft cards on their own. This craft requires very few things.

Things needed:

● Potatoes
● Knife
● Colors and paint brushes

How to make this craft:

1. Cut the potato into two halves.
2. Try the different designs on the potato and dip it in the paint pot.
3. Allow your kid to print the zigzag patterns on to the white paper or cardboard.
4. This activity improves the hand eye coordination in your kid.

8. Egg Carton Easter Baskets:

This is the simple and creative crafts that kids can do on their own. This is also the best recycling activity to do with the kids.

Things Required:

● Egg cartons
● Colours
● Buttons or beads
● Glue
● Pipe Cleaner

How to do this craft:

1. Take an egg carton and cut out the shells properly.
2. Make your kid to color the egg carton and decorate it with the buttons or beads.
3. Use a pipe cleaner and stick it from the inside of the egg carton resembling the handle of the basket.

9. Handprinted Easter Crafts:


These crafts are the great way to preserve the handprints of your growing child. This is the perfect messy craft to do with the kids. You can customize the card as per your own creativity.

Things required:

● Washable paint
● Paint brush
● Construction paper

How to do this craft:

1. Apply some washable painting on your kid’s hand except the thumb finger and allow them to squeeze together pinky and ring finger together and pointer and middle finger together before pressing their hand on the construction paper.
2. The finger together makes bunny ears.
3. Allow your kid to mark bunny eyes, nose, and mouth by using paint brush.

10. Art with paint filled eggs:


This is the most funny and creative activity that kids love. Place the canvas as a decorative piece in the home after the crafting was done.

Things Needed:

● Eggs
● Paint
● Tissue papers
● A glue stick
● Canva Panel

How to do this craft:

1. The first step involved in this craft is to empty the egg shells. Follow the below mentioned instructions to empty the egg shell

● Empty the desired number of eggs. Use a butter knife to gently crack the top of the egg shell. Peel the broken shell and remove any other loose fragments before emptying the eggs.
● Wash the empty egg shells carefully with warm water and antibacterial soap to eliminate the smell.
● Fill the empty shells with washable paint after allowing them to dry and apply glue to one side of the tissue paper and stick it over the egg shell closing the open part.

2. Fill the egg carton with the paint filled egg shells and allow your kid to toss them on to the canvas.
3. Kids were so excited to discover the paint color inside each egg.

11. Paper Plate Wreath:


Wreaths are the symbol for the celebration of the coming back of winter. This is a symbol to show that you are happier with the nice weather. This is the main reason behind creating the wreaths with many pretty flowers and different colours.

Things Required:

● Paper Plates
● Colour papers
● Ribbons

How to do this craft:

1. Cut out the outer portion of the paper plate.
2. Allow your kid to pain or decorate it with the paints or by sticking pieces of colored papers, ribbons and pom poms.
3. Hang the wreaths at the entrance of doors, and at the windows.

12. Salt Dough Easter Eggs:

This is one of the best Easter egg craft ideas for toddlers. Eggs are the main symbol for Easter. In general eggs represent rebirth and fertility. Eggs symbolize the resurrection of Christ. Here is the simple way to make the most significant salt dough eggs.

Things needed:

● Salt dough
● Egg shape cutter
● Straw for making holes
● Colors
● Ribbons

How to do this craft:

1. The first thing to start this craft is to prepare salt dough which is the modelling material prepared from the flour, salt, and water. It can be dried easily in the oven.

How to Prepare salt dough:

1. Take 1 cup of flour, ½ cup salt and ½ cup water. Mix all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Mix it into a smoother dough.
2. Take small balls out of the dough and roll them in the shape of the egg or you can also use the egg-shaped cutter to get the perfect shape.

2. now the Easter eggs are ready, punch the holes with the help of straw. Pierce ribbon through the hole and hang it from the Easter tree.

13. Bunny Clips:


This is one of the simple Easter craft ideas for toddler.

Things required:

● Clothespins
● White glue
● Acrylic paint
● Black and pink permanent markers

How to do this craft:

1. Before starting this craft, remove the little metal spring from the craft.
2. Apply little amounts of glue at the areas where the clothespins touch each other and stick them together.
3. Allow your kid to paint the all over the clothespins and allow the paint to dry completely.
4. Allow your kid to mark the eyes, cheeks, little hands and legs of the bunny.

14. Egg Carton hens:

Egg carton texture adds a nice touch to your crafts.

Things Needed:

● Empty egg cartons
● Colors
● Wiggly eyes

How to Make this craft:

1. Shape out the body from empty egg cartons with the help of scissors.
2. Allow your kid to paint the body of the carton with the white acrylic paint. Use the scraps of the carton to make crests and beaks.
3. Ask your kid to stick the wiggly eyes. This craft enhances the motor skills and helps your kid to achieve control over their hand movements.

15. Carrot Button Art:


This is one of the fun easter craft ideas for toddlers. Carrots are the bunny’s favourite food. Here is how to make carrot craft.

Things Required:

● Cardboard
● Buttons
● Glue
● Ribbons

How to make this craft:

1. Draw the carrot shape on the cardboard and cut it out from the cardboard.
2. Allow your kid to apply some glue within the shape of the carrot and spread the buttons all over the carrots leaving some space on the top to pin the folded ribbons for carrot leaves.

In conclusion, encourage your kid to kick off their imagination and creativity and put them in making some Easter crafts this spring. Allow your kid to take active part in the celebration of springtime winter.