What is your Parenting Style

What is your parenting style

While we all want the best for our kids and definitely wish to be a part of them as much time possible, we all have different styles of parenting. Ever wondered what is your parenting style and how does it affect your relationship with your child. Also, positive parenting impacts the child in a healthy and conducive way which otherwise results in disruptive child behavior. Every parent must strive hard to provide their children with a balanced parenting style which helps in happy and healthy childhood for them.

Different Parenting Styles:

Different parenting styles

There are four kinds of parenting styles which are attributed to the way parents take care of their child, control or demand their activities or even make them independent too soon.Raising a responsible and happy child is never easy and certainly not in this digital age. In psychology terms there are 4 different kinds of parenting styles:

Different kinds of parenting styles

1. Authoritative Parenting:

Authoritative parenting

Regarded as one of the most effective styles of parenting, authoritative parenting refers to having high expectations for their kids but also being extremely supportive of them. This is a healthy environment for growing kids and also enriches productive ties between parent and child. It is more of an accommodative phenomenon than anything else, to have a certain kind of parenting style. In this kind of parenting style, there is open communication between parent and child, which enables a healthy family bond. Neither pressure nor too many rewards are included here, just open dialogue both ways. The child is free to speak their mind and there is no rebuke or reprimand of any sort

2. Authoritarian Parenting:

Authoritarian parenting

Authoritative parenting is strict parenting style. The parent is too demanding and responsive. A child centered approach makes this kind of parenting style independence is sought but limits are set. There is no communication or negotiation between the parent and the child. Lot of punitive ways to make the child adhere to the set rules make the relationship a conservative one. The parent always tries to project herself as the leader of the household. And basic attribute of the parent here is not to appear vulnerable in front of the child so no soft talks at all.

3. Permissive Parenting:

Permissive parenting

Permissive parenting is also called as mild neglectful parenting or freedom without limits. The needs and desires of the child are never looked out by the parents, they don’t care about the emotions and feelings of their children. These parents leave the child to take care of themselves, often absent from home and unaware of the activities and people in their children’s life and make excuses to keep away at own social meetings rather than with kids

4. Neglecting Parenting Style or Un-Involved Parenting:

Neglecting parenting style or un-involved parenting

The most harmful style of parenting, where the parent completely neglects the child. Parents rarely participate with children and there is no communication between the two. There is no trust foundation between the parent and child, children find it more and more difficult to connect with other kids or even elders

Influence of Parenting Style on Child Development and Happiness:

Each parenting style affects the child in numerous ways. Some of the influences of parenting style are:

1. Authoritative Parenting:

Where parent gives too much structure and too little space for communication. Here the child:

  • Often feels insecure
  • Thinks of approval as love rather than care and expression
  • Low self esteem and suffers at making friends
  • Links work with approval and not need

2. Permissive parenting where there is No Structure:

  • Child here is always confused
  • Can not manage self behavior
  • Children don’t have a sense of boundaries
  • Lack of self discipline
  • Unable to make friends

3. Neglectful and Un-Involved Parents:

  • It affects the self esteem and being of the child
  • Child does not trust anyone too easily
  • Too much responsibility too soon makes the child robbed of his childhood
  • Children have issues with intimacy and friendships with others

4. Authoritative Parents:

  • Children are more secure and confident
  • They have greater self-esteem
  • Values relationships
  • Learns social skills in utmost healthy ways
  • Looks up to the parent for inspiration and guidance.

The idea behind the above compilation on What is your parenting style is to help you identify how you are parenting your child and how you can adopt a better and positive parenting style which will make your child happy and healthy. Also, it will help him become an independent and confident adult.

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