Concussion In Babies; Causes, Sign & Symptoms, And Treatment


Are you aware of what concussion in babies is? Is it harmful to babies? What causes concussion in babies? Are you aware of the sign and symptoms of concussion in babies? If you are struggling to get the answers to them, this article might help.

A concussion is a sign of brain injury that causes the brain to actually stop working for a temporary or for a permanent amount of time. It can occur at any age and irrespective of the baby’s gender. The concussion in babies or children can lead to serious health risks.

By the end of the article, you will get to have a fair share of information about the causes behind concussion in babies and what are the sign and symptoms that will help diagnose the condition.

What Is Baby Concussion?


As I mentioned above, baby concussion (R) is a sign of brain injury that causes the brain to actually stop working for a temporary or for a permanent amount of time. It resembles a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI).

It is regarded as a serious health risk in young children and babies. As per the survey published in 2017 (R), it has been found that in 13,000 adolescents in the United States, one fifth has reported concussion at least once.

This can adversely affect the child in the way they think and behave.

This injury may be from a violent blow, a fall or severe shaking in case of children and babies. This causes the chemical changes in the brain and leads to damage to the brain cells.

As per the Harvard Medical School grades (R) the severity of the scale of concussion in babies are as follows:

Grade 1:

It follows the least severe form of concussion. In this case, the brain starts to function after 15 minutes and gets back to normal.

Grade 2:

It follows when the brain starts to malfunction and the individual is in a confused state for about 15 minutes.

Grade 3:

This is regarded as the most critical state of concussion in babies. This is the case where the individual can get or become totally unconscious.

Causes Of Concussion In Babies:

Causes Of Concussion

Here are some possible causes behind the concussion in babies. Such as-

1. Having a Fall:

There are sudden impacts of the head which are caused by events such as car accident, being violently shaken which can later lead to brain injury.

Additionally, a concussion can also occur if the baby falls from the bed, falling while playing, etc. As per the studies and research by UNICEF (R), it has been found that 8% of the fatal falls in children lead to a concussion.

2. Vehicle Accident:

One of the major causes behind concussion in babies can be due to car crashes. The babies have a greater risk of developing a concussion if they are faced with similar trauma during such mishaps.

3. Fall Of Object:

It is said that the babies get hurt while playing with objects or if they have impacts from objects falling over their heads. As the brain has the consistency of gelatin so it can get injured easily on sudden impacts.

There is some evidence that the brain injury happens to owe to the violent blow to the head and neck or upper body which as a result leads the brain to slide back and forth forcefully against the inner wall of the skull.

Sign And Symptoms Of Baby Concussion:

Here are some of the sign and symptoms that will help you to figure out the presence of a baby concussion, it includes-

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Excessive crying
  • A pattern of sleep changes
  • Temporary loss of consciousness
  • Dizziness or “seeing stars”
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability and crankiness
  • Change in eating
  • Irritability
  • Behavioral change such as disinterest to play or do a regular activity.
  • feeling like they are in a fog
  • sensitivity to noise or light
  • feeling depressed or sad
  • feeling dizzy or having problems with balance
  • Unequal pupil size
  • Severe, worsening headache (or irritability before a child can talk)
  • Neck pain
  • seizures
  • Skull indentation or a large bump

Diagnosing Concussion In Baby:

Diagnosing Concussion In Baby

The concussion in a baby can be diagnosed by the following ways-

1. Check For The Physical Sign:

This is one of the primary signs of detecting the occurrence of concussion in babies. The doctor gets to know by checking the external sign of brain trauma. The level of swelling, cut off the wound, the skull bones, etc. help the doctor figure out the grade of concussion in babies.

The physical sign and symptoms help the doctor to figure out the severity of the concussion. The doctor checks the dilations and abnormalities.

2. Basic Medical Tests:

There are certain medical tests that can prove the presence of concussion in babies. This helps to determine the damages. The doctor does the tests that determine the vision and hearing problem.

The doctor will run a certain test on the older children that help determine the presence of a concussion. The activity may include throwing of the ball, walking in a straight line, naming the body parts (this is done to check the thinking and remembering power).

3. Imagine Test:

This is another form of test that is performed to see the occurrence of concussion. When the doctor gets to see or observe any sense of severity in signs and symptoms of concussion, they go for the imaging test.

In the majority of the cases, the doctor gets X-ray, CT Scan, and MRI tests are done as this gives a three-dimensional image of the baby’s skull.

How To Treat Baby Concussion?


Here are a few healthy tips that will help for treating concussion in babies. Some of the ways include-

1. Reduce Screen Time:

Make sure you don’t allow the child the use of screens during the phase of brain injury. This can over-stimulate and excite the brain. You should say no to TV, tablets, smartphone, music, laptops, etc.

The bright light and eye strain can make the concussion worse. Avoiding screen time will allow the brain to rest and relax.

2. Rest:

Rest is the most important treatment for concussion in babies as it reduces the stress level.

It has been found from the research that the brain needs lots and lots of rest to heal from a concussion. The amount of rest depends upon the severity of the concussion. The brain needs rest to regain strength from both mental and physical exertion.

3. Stay Hydrated:

As per the evidence and studies it has been found that dehydration may increase your risk of concussion. (R) It is always wise to stay hydrated as it keeps the risk factor of concussion away in babies as well as in adults. Water also boosts the overall well being of an individual.

4. Eat More Protein:

Protein helps a lot to increase brainpower. As per the 2015 study, it was found that the branched chain of amino acids has a significant impact to improve the cognitive symptoms of a concussion.

So you should include a lot of protein in your baby’s diet. There is a lot of protein food that you can include in the food chart like dal, meat, fish, etc.

5. Food with Antioxidants:

This is one of the most effective ways of treating concussion in babies.

As per the research and studies, antioxidants (R) have a significant effect in improving the memory and the overall neural functioning. The baby diet should be rich with antioxidants to help promote better recovery.

6. Limit Exposure to Bright Lights and Loud Sounds:

This really works to treat the concussion in babies. The sensitivity to bright light and loud sound leads to affect or have a negative effect on brain injury.

Limiting light exposure will allow the baby to heal and prevent light or sound sensitivities from getting worse.

7. Try to Avoid Head and Neck Unnecessary:

You have to be very particular about the head and neck movement of your baby if they are having a severe grade of concussion. This helps to provide the brain with a chance to recover from the injury.

8. Eat Foods Rich In Omega 3:

Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in treating the concussion in babies. It improves cognition and the recovery of neurons in the brain.

Some of the foods rich in omega-3s include fatty fish, such as salmon, walnuts, flax seeds, soy, and chia seed, etc.

Long Term Effects Of Concussion In Babies:

Effects Of Concussion

Here are few of the long term effects of concussion in babies, some of these include-

1. Loss of Developmental Milestones:

This is one of the primary long term effects of concussion in babies and can affect motor skill ability. The spinning or feeling of dizziness can last days, weeks, and months after the brain injury.

2. A problem in Feeding or Sleeping:

The brain injury or concussion in babies affects the feeding or sleeping pattern in the baby. This takes a lot of time to get back to normal. There are some cases where it has been found that the infant develops insomnia because of trauma.

3. Vertigo:

As I mentioned above, the babies experience a sense of spinning or dizziness for days, week or months after a brain injury. Vertigo is mostly triggered by a random stimulus. This condition is regarded as the post traumatic vertigo. (R)

4. Poor Concentration and Cognitive Disability:

This is a major long term effect of concussion in babies as they will have difficulty in picking up new words. The level of concentration is low in children who suffered a brain injury. The children have a greater risk of developing lasting, possibly progressive, an impairment that limits function.

5. Pause in Head Circumference Growth:

The severe concussion leads to a pause in the growth in the baby’s head circumference for a few weeks. This head growth may resume weeks later and the head growth could be lacking in comparison to the rest of the body.

How To Prevent Concussion In Babies?


“Prevention is better than cure”. You need to take care of certain safety measures to ensure better prevention-

  • Make sure to not leave the baby in bed without any supervision. The baby should not be close to the edges.
  • While traveling, the baby should be buckled into the safety seat in the car. The baby should be latched facing the rear of the car as it prevents head injury in case of a forward collision.
  • The cribs should be of the appropriate size as per the age and it should be comfortable and up to their size as it will protect them when trying to roll off the edges.
  • The house or the environment around the baby should be baby proof. You should cover the edges of the furniture and remove items through which can hurt the baby.
  • Make sure you use gates to block the staircase or use the gate at the top and bottom of the stair.
  • Do keep your baby away from the elevated porches, landing, decks, etc.
  • Make sure your child is properly equipped with his activity like wearing helmets while using a bicycle or any form of contact sports that will help you to prevent serious head injuries.
  • You should start educating coaches, parents, athletics, and others about concussions. It can help spread awareness that can prevent concussion in babies.

How long Does A Baby Concussion Last?

long Does A Baby Concussion

As per the research and evidence, the loss of consciousness lasts for only a few seconds but there are few cases where it can last longer.

But always for the next 24 to 48 hours, it is very crucial to monitor if there are any cases of internal bleeding. If the same is evident, immediate medical help should be fostered.

A concussion is a matter of concern as it can lead to long term effects in babies. The parents need to take care of it very well. It is wise for you to also to have a medical checkup if the child suffered a head impact. I hope this article has given you a clear image of information about what you need to know about concussion.