11 Reasons Why Child Is Crying?

ImageSource: zerotothree.org

Do your child cry often? Are you not able to figure out the reasons why your child is crying? Do you often get frustrated when you see your child is crying without no reason? Are you stress out for all this ample number of question in your mind?

Crying with their first breath after being born is not the same for all babies. But in the same case, it is proved that all babies will cry within a few seconds if they are not immediately reunited with their mother. This is a simple adaptation that makes it less likely that babies will get overlooked(R).

There are few evidence that baby cries have specifically annoying and hard to ignore as possible to be as evolved. In this article, we will focus on the various reasons for why a child is crying for.

Reasons Why Child Is Crying?

how are you supposed to know exactly what your baby is trying to tell you? It can be a bit tricky to interpret your child’s reasons for crying (R) especially during the first stages of a newborn baby.

Here are Some of The Common Reasons Babies Cry:

1. Hunger:

ImageSource: parenting.firstcry.com

Hunger is the first and foremost reason behind a baby cry. As the baby gets a little cranky when they are in hunger. The baby can’t able to express their hunger or they want milk or food, so crying is a single to satisfy that drive.

The babies can go from zero to screaming bit pretty quickly when they are not eaten for a while. As per Paul Horowitz, MD, a pediatrician with Discovery Pediatrics in Valencia, California said that “Crying is a late sign of hunger”.

you can prevent baby crying from hunger, if you find or figure out few early signs such as lip-smacking, sucking on his hands or rooting (turning his head to find the breast or bottle).

2. Sleepiness:

ImageSource: besttennews.com

One of the most frequent reasons why a child is a cry is because they’re overtired or they need enough sleep. Not getting proper sleep can lead to some irrational behavior in babies and that leads to crying.

As per Kim West, LCSW-C, author of The Sleep Lady’s Good Night Sleep Tight: Gentle Proven Solutions to Help Your Child Sleep Well and Wake Up Happy “mentioned that crying baby is quite incapable of self-soothing so they cry often when they need sleep.

You can figure out a few signs when your baby is crying for overtiredness such as rubbing eyes, yawning or looking a little glazed over in the eyes, etc.

3. Dirty Diaper:

ImageSource: bepanthen.com.au

Here comes with another reason why the child is crying . some of the babies can even stay for longer times without changing the dirty diapers for hours whereas few babies will let you know when they need to be changed.

Due to diaper discomfort the cry a lot. You can prefer diaper brands that come with a wetness indicator. For that, you can check on various diapers and wipes brands on

4. Stomach Upset:

ImageSource: newkidscenter.com

The stomach upset is strongly associated with gas and that leads to a reason why a child cries for.  As per  Preeti Parikh, MD, a pediatrician at Pediatrics of New York in New York City says that when a baby cry for wriggling, arching her back or pumping her legs are all sign of baby gas (R)

Normally baby often fusses and cries right after being fed, this may be because of some sort of tummy pain in babies. Parikh says. “If a baby is gassy, bicycle her legs and push them up to her chest to help relieve the gas.”

5. Teething:

ImageSource: parentlane.com

As early as 4 months old the baby starts teething and that times the baby’s set pain that’s for sure and resulted in baby to cry. For knowing how you can brush baby teeth refer to

The gum massage can help to give a bit of relaxation to the baby when they are crying. Chewing some refrigerated teethers washcloths or even cotton bibs can also give baby some relief.

6. Need To Burp:

ImageSource: huggies.co.in

The Babies swallow air when they breastfeed or suck from a bottle, and that results in discomfort. if the air isn’t released they baby cries a lot for the discomfort. Bumping to babies is quite mandatory.

After feeding if the baby cries then bumping works a great way to stop or giving a sense of relief to babies. There are many ways to burp a baby (R) you can check on

7. Colic:

ImageSource: parents.com

Here comes with another interesting reason behind baby to cry is due to colic. As per the American Academy of Pediatrics, colic is defined as a condition where a healthy infant cries more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, for more than three weeks in a row.

The babies with colic cry are more difficult to console and have a bit of disrupted sleep which in general leads to a whole lot of stress and frustration for the parents.

8. Illness:

ImageSource: parents.com

When you are ill even too you feel disturbed and stress. Same in case of babies, when they feel ill then cry a lot than usual. This is because of discomfort they feel during illness.

Charles says “baby won’t stop crying, crying harder and longer than usual, then it could be a sign of illness. There are few other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, lack of weight gain, etc during an illness that results in the babies top cry.

9. Need For Attention:

ImageSource: verywellfamily.com

Crying is a great way to get attention to the babies. Sometimes they cry in order to get attention. Babies cry out of loneliness as they’re not being held or rocked constantly. The young babies should be attended to empathically and quickly so their systems learn to be calm instead of agitated or aggravated.

Just give enough attention in order to avoid the babies to cry.

10. Over Stimulation:

ImageSource: verywellfamily.com

The hustle and bustle can become too much for kids, the babies aren’t able to express what is wrong and what is right. When your child is overstimulated the babies cries. The best form for baby is one on one stimulation in relation to a loved one
In some babies, it might not be enough so they need to go home early to regroup.

11. General Discomfort:

ImageSource: parenthotline.net

Any kind of general discomfort if a babies feel then he/she express it in crying.If the child is still unhappy after napping and being fed, burped and changed, then something is wrong.

Even a too tight shoe, a dress can cause a meltdown, can good enough reasons for being the babies to cry.

I hope this article has given good enough reasons to figure out the reasons why the child is crying. Read all the possible reasons for it.