13 Easy and Fun Picnic Games and Activity for Kids

13 Easy and Fun Picnic Games
ImageSource: parenting.firstcry.com

Kids just love to have fun and go for outing with their families. The memories they make while they spend time with their family, friends, gets stored in the happy times of their life.

Picnic is not compiled with plenty of good food, family, friends, what matters the most to make the picnic memorable is the games and fun they have with their near and dear ones. It is all about the picnic games that gives an additional brownie point to the experience as it encourages the physical activity and keeps the kids engaged and entertained.

So, in this article, we will focus on some easy and fun games for kids that will make their day while they go for outing or for a picnic.

Easy Picnic Games for Kids:

1. Truth and Dare:

Truth and Dare
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Truth and dare is a super fun game and is great to play with families and friends. It is a great game for all ages and especially kids enjoy a lot out of it.

The number of kids is needed to split into two teams equally, with a minimum of 10 players in total in each team. All you need for this game is 10 hula hoops or one per person. The main focus of the game is to throw your hula hoop around one of your teammates, and who has volunteered to be the judge of the play truth and dare. Whichever the team gets hula hoops on their teammate then the first person gets the chance to ask the other team to answer either truth or dare. Each team member will need to answer the question or participate in the activity as assigned by the other team members.

2. Picnic Basket Relay:

Picnic Basket Relay
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

This is another fun and easy entertaining outdoor picnic games for children. It encourages the kids to take part in the setting up and cleaning up a picnic by playing this form of a game. All you need is two picnic baskets that are packed with things like a blanket, dishes, food, and other picnic materials. Divide your children into two teams.

The objective of this game is to have each player unpack a picnic basket, and set up the picnic, tear down the picnic with repacking the picnic basket as quickly as possible in a relay fashion. The thrill and excitement of the game after successfully laying out a picnic keeps the kids engaged and cheering on their teammates.

3. Red light, Green Light Fun Game:

Red light, Green Light Fun Game
ImageSource: icebreakerideas.com

This is another fun kids picnic game that goes very well with all age. It can be played with a small as well as a large group of people. The main teaching point of this game is that it teaches the value of listening and rules to be followed.

What you need to do is make three to five family trivia cards as per the participant priorities for heading out for the picnic. If a person plays the role of the traffic light,  then noting that the “red light”  indicates for stop and the “green light” indicates to go.

Whereas the other participants stand facing the traffic light should move according to the traffic light’s commands and instructions. The person playing the traffic light turns around only when giving the “green light” command. The other players who attempt to tag the traffic light and whoever tags the traffic light first must correctly answer the family trivia card which is been selected by the traffic light in order to take over the position. If they don’t do it, then they are out of the game and the rest members should continue.

4. Chubby Bunny Dice:

Chubby Bunny Dice
ImageSource: icebreakerideas.com

This is a great game for kids, but just be take care of certain things as the chubby bunny dice can be a choking hazard. But, if you are playing with adults, then feel free to play. All you need are two dices and a few bags of large marshmallows. The main aim of the game is to roll a matching set of dice and if you do not roll a matching set, you can place one marshmallow in your mouth. The individual who ends up with the more marshmallows in their mouth loses the game. The best part of this game is that losing tastes amazing.

5. Yard Twister:

Yard Twister
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Kids just love this game. It is really an easy and fun game for kids that goes very well as an outdoor picnic game for children. What you need to do is to paint some circles on the grass with different colors and in line after line may be of 5 to 6 lines of the color circle. The kids need to be twisting over the circle. It is really fun to have this kind of game for a picnic.

6. Hula Hoop Charades:

Hula Hoop Charades
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

It is one of the easy picnic games for kids. An adult or older child on their team can sub in them with the hula hooping aspect of the game. This game is played with a small number of team or person.all you need for this game is hula hoop for each team. Split the teams evenly and give each team a hula hoop. The person who decides to go first on each team will meet with the game master in order to get the same charade clue. The game master will announce when the game has started, and who is acting out the clue must do that while hula is hooping. If the hula hoop drops, then you do not get the point.

7. Glass Half Empty or Full:

Glass Half Empty or Full
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

This is the best outdoor picnic games for children. Children really have fun to have such kind of game. To make the game more progressively challenging, you can try having the blindfolded teammates to carry the water with one hand, mouths, and with just their arms. All you need is one plastic cup per person and a few jugs of water to access a hose. You will also need one large bucket per team, the person needs to wear one blindfold per person.

Split the teams up evenly and assign two team captains who will be stationed at the large water buckets. Give everyone a cup of water filled about halfway and a blindfold. The main focus of the game is for the blindfolded teammates to successfully make their way towards their team head without spilling any bit of the water along the way of emptying their glass into the team’s large bucket. The team captains are encouraged to shout helpful instructions to their teammates as per the instruction. Whichever team ends up with the most water will win the game.

8. Dance off:

Dance off
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

This game goes very well with children as well as adults. For this game, all you need is a boom box and a child appropriate dance mix of CD. Line up the kids to form a giant circle. As the music plays, the children have to turn to enter the center of the ring to show off their best dance moves and steps.

The kids with the most applause per song wins the game. The adults and teens may even want to get in on this one. Alternatively, you can also play dancing musical chairs. Place your chairs in a circle, one less chair than the number of kids playing. Turn the music on so that the kids have to bust a move while circling around the outside of the chairs. When you turn the music off, each and every child must race to occupy a seat. Whoever is left out without a chair is out of the game. Remove one chair every single time when the child is out. Whoever claims the final seat at the end will become the winner.

9. Frisbee Golf:

Frisbee Golf
ImageSource: ruka.fi

Children love this game. It is quite similar to traditional golf.  The main difference is that there is a plastic basket that becomes a whole.  The Frisbee golf combines the chance to throw things or object and get Frisbees into the plastic baskets with the number of throws. It is really an easy and fun game for kids.

10. Don’t Drop the Ball:

Don-t Drop the Ball
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

This game works wonders for older kids. This game can be played with a small or big group. All you need is one ball per team. Split the teams up evenly. Starting off, each team will be positioned close to one together and will toss the ball to one by one for one full minute without stopping the flow. The other team gets one opportunity after the 30 second time course to give their opponents a challenge. This might include jumping up and down, closing your eyes, running in place, or spinning in a circle that still might try to catch the ball. The teams can get creative about the challenges they want the other team to do while throwing the ball to each other. If the team drops the ball at any course of time, then they do not receive any points. After every round, the other team will get the opportunity to come up with challenges for their opponents while they toss the ball to each other.

11. Pass the Water:

Pass the Water
ImageSource: funthingstodowithurkidz.blogspot.com

This is a fun kid picnic games.  This game helps the kids to keep cool off while competing to be the first team to transfer or share the cup of water down a line of children without spilling any of it.

12. Brainy Balloon Toss:

Brainy Balloon Toss
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

This is a fun kid picnic game that goes very well with each age group. It can be played in beaches, playground, swimming pool, etc. wherever you want. This game can be played both with adults and kids. All you need are few blown up balloons per person, a timer and some trivia cards as appropriate for the age group. Split the teams up evenly in two equal halves, and appoint one person per team as the trivia card reader. Each team will get one minute to answer their trivia question and they must keep all of their balloons up in the air while doing the activity. Whoever answers the most questions correctly will win the game. If any balloons drop, then the team loses the rest of their time to answer questions.

13. Scavenger Hunt Candy Crush:

Scavenger Hunt Candy Crush
ImageSource: koa.com

This is another fun outdoor picnic games for children that goes very well with all ages of children. This game can be played with a small number of people. All you need are a few bags of large marshmallows, that may be approx of five large cups per team and a prepared scavenger hunt list. The scavenger hunt can be made easy or tough depending on the ages of the kids playing the game. Split the teams up evenly and set up cups in a line near each team. The main focus of the game is to complete your scavenger hunt before the other team does and successfully launch one marshmallow into each cup by using only your mouth.

Try out these above easy and fun games for kids while you go for any outing or picnic. Trust me, your kids and you will have your best time and memories all the way. These games will refresh you and will make the day for you and your child even better and fun.