9 Important Values To Teach Children

Src: realestateview.com.au

It is important to teach your children about values at a very young age!

Values for children helps build and strengthen their character into adulthood. As a parent, it requires a lot of patience to teach children from right to wrong.

Parents can find a powerful way to influence their children, by understanding the concept of values and the importance of teaching them to their children. Below are a few important values to teach children.

9 Important Values To Teach Children

1. Honesty

Src: timykids.com

Help the kids find a better way, to tell the truth!

Being a truthful person to yourself is the best way to encourage truthfulness in your child. Your child takes his/her cues from you, so it is necessary that you try to avoid any kind of deception.

As children become older, day by day, the influences of friends or the media, can teach them to lie. Reinforce the value of honesty, by preventing such influences.

Let your child know, that you will always, take the time to listen to them, as they often fear being yelled at. Pat his/her back or applaud them for their courage for telling you the truth.

If you wish to teach your children not to lie, you should be prepared to know the consequences of their actions and punish undesirable behavior. Instead, of simply punishing them, it would be advisable to ask hypothetical questions to make them realize their mistake and discuss why your child felt the need to lie and what would have happened if they told the truth. Make sure you help your child realize that it is okay to make mistakes, and that, it is a better alternative to getting stuck in a web of lies.

2. Courtesy and Respect

Nurturing respect for others is one of the greatest things your child has to learn!

Generally, children learn respect at home based on how parents and others treat each other in their lives. Be fully aware that your child listens and observes everything you do. Nurture healthy and assertive communication, instead of showing your frustration and anger through violent or yelling actions.

Tell your child that it is wrong to yell at another person, or disrespect anyone or speak in a harsh tone, and things can be done in a sweet and soft tone. Teach him/her the three magical words, ‘ Please’, ‘Sorry’, thank you’ and similar phrases.

Teach them how to respect others opinion, so as to maintain a healthy relationship. Encourage your child, to build a close relationship with their grandparents. Let them connect by spending a day together without you by their side. Agree with your parents, if they establish some basic boundaries and rules for your children. Encourage your parents, to talk with your kids, about their life paths and their experiences in life. Ask your child’s grandparents to try and build the generation gap they have with your child.

3. Gratitude

These days, it can be too easy to take others for granted. We, usually, forget to show others, appreciation. Teach your child to be thankful every day, even for the little things. Remind them that life is a blessing, and not everyone gets the opportunity for good clothing, food, friends and shelter. Help your child to understand this, and it will make him more appreciative for what he has.

4. Forgiveness and Compassion

Children should learn the quality of forgiving, one of the important values to teach children. People may act badly from time to time, and it is important to forgive these individuals. Rather than holding a grudge, which can only hurt you, show them compassion. Teach your child to forgive and move on from past things, to have a healthier mindset.

5. Patience

Kids generally tend to be impatient. Most of the kids, over time, grow out of it eventually. But some kids, need to be taught specifically to be patient.

Important things for a parent to remember are – do not rush into the stationery, when she asks for a fancy pencil, or a bakery if she asks for a treat. Do not accept the requests they make immediately. Tell them that they need to wait for his/her turn, to use the swing, if playing in a park. Do not let your child feel the wait as a period of disgust or a punishment.

6. Perseverance

To manage a task successfully, we often take a few tries, as we humans are not perfect. Children when they are young, learn the lessons of persistence by learning to feed themselves, speak or walk. They are likely to keep trying, at this age. But, when they get older, they start comparing themselves with others, which in turn leads to feelings of inadequacy.

Let your child know that you are always proud of them, and try to guide them to the right solution when he/she feels discouraged.

7. Kindness

Teaching the kids to respect older people is as equally important to be kind to every other person despite their age, be it his/her younger sibling. Teach them to be kind to the slower kids, in the playgroup and not to bully them if they cannot hide well or run fast.

8. Responsibility

Responsible children, usually grow into responsible adults. It is important to teach children to take responsibility for both the good and bad actions they do. Doing this way will help to prevent your children from always blaming others, for things they have done wrong.

9. Love

Another one of the most important values to teach children is to be generous with your affection!

Generally, parents tend to think that children are naturally generous and loving with their affection. But for loving sentiments to last, kids in turn like to be reciprocated. The phrase ‘I love you’ would probably be the least, a child would like to hear, over the course of a typical busy day.

Let your child see you show love and affection for the people in your life. Talk to your children about how much you appreciate and love their aunts, cousins, uncles, and grandparents. Do not forget to express your affection for your child on even a single day.

Show your love to your child in unexpected ways, by giving him/hug for no-reason; drop a note in your child’s lunch box; or paste a heart-shaped sticker, to the bathroom mirror, so that he will see it when he brushes his teeth.

When our children feel free to express their love to us, perhaps, we instill the greatest value of all in them!