Why Nursery Rhymes are Important for Kids


From centuries and rather ages as far as mankind can remember children have been listening and learning nursery rhymes. Whatever part of the world you can be whichever language you may use, but nursery rhymes have been the most popular ones for any kid. And when you sing these wonderful nursery rhymes you may be referring from the 2000-year-old history when these were mentioned or written.

Importance of Nursery Rhymes:

Importance-of-nursery-rhymeNursery rhymes have been a great way to help in the cognitive development of children. In addition to their language skills and speech, nursery rhymes help in all the aspects of intelligence, memory, learning, and retention. Importance of nursery rhymes for kids include:

1. Nursery rhymes help in phonic skills early on:

Kids can be given phonic knowledge with nursery rhymes and even a newborn can benefit from them. The ability to hear, identify and manipulate sounds in addition to learning speech and communication are some very crucial skills associated with nursery rhymes for kids

2. Nursery rhymes help in building the imagination of a child:

Children are dreamers and their imagination needs to be stimulated to farther and beyond areas. Nursery rhymes are just the right way of doing so.

The children begin to learn these rhymes and also be a part in them too. Children are brought to the worlds of fantasy and they begin to understand how these rhymes define this cute little world which sparks their creativity and imagination

3. Language skills and speech is developed at an amazing pace:

Pitch, volume and tone are the most important language or speech essentials the kids can learn from nursery rhymes. Rhythm in nursery rhymes help in quick learning of  language and speech essentials for kids

4. Children speak their first words from rhymes:

Since the nursery rhymes are easy and catchy, infants become fond of them quickly and start trying to speak from as early as 6 months. And even their first words can be anywhere from the rhymes

Children-speak-their-first5. Nursery rhymes help in enhancing kids imaginations:

Knowing the old Mcdonald’s farm and Jack and jills adventures could not just be interesting but also add up to the kids’ imagination. Like ways how could have Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall and why the wheels on the bus go round and round.

6. Learning to follow commands gets easier:

When kids listen to nursery rhymes the sequence of activities help in understanding 2 3 or more step commands easily in children

7. Nursery rhymes improves vocabulary:

Children learn about vocabulary and new words start adding in their dictionary quickly. This helps in language development at a faster pace.

The new words also bring about more and more speech fluency and expression to kids

8. Nursery rhymes help in bringing interest in literature and poetry:

Poetry can be an advanced and mature version on nursery rhymes. When kids learn and listen to nursery rhymes, they start developing an interest in poetry and literature too

9. Nursery rhymes are fun and activity based too:

Remember this little pig, clap your hands or B I N G O or even the others like daddy finger daddy finer. All these have immense stimulating activities and are truly fun-filled for kids any age.

Nursery-rhymes-are-funBenefits of Nursery Rhymes:

  •  Nursery rhymes are great first stories and all about fantasy and fun
  •  Nursery rhymes build social skills and promote family bonds and harmony too
  •  Nursery rhymes boost language development
  •  Nursery rhymes Introduce a whole world of books and reading for kids
  •  Kids who know their nursery rhymes are better at reading books quickly
  •  Nursery rhymes add up to vocabulary and new words for children.
  •  Nursery rhymes help in creative expansion of the child’s imagination
  •  Nursery rhyme based activities also develop fine motor skills too
  •  Nursery rhymes are stimulating and just the right activities for kids

How to Introduce Nursery Rhymes to Kids:

  • Begin chanting them as early as the newborn stage
  • Play nursery rhymes videos and audios for kids sometimes
  • Show them hand and body movements too for learning these along with nursery rhymes
  • After the child has learned a few begin with collaborative singing
  • Allow them to fill the blanks when you speak nursery rhymes for them to learn it by heart quickly
  • Have more group nursery song chantings for better learning and fun
  • Draw and paint as you sing nursery rhymes
  • Play music with rhymes

The cognitive development with nursery rhymes is immense in addition to language and speech development. Bring more and more nursery rhymes to the child’s daily routine and have them participate too, this will help in greater development of the child

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