10 Natural Remedies for Croup in Babies – Treat Your Baby’s Cough


Babies aren’t always able to express their feelings. It is your duty as a mom to understand the discomfort they are experiencing and find the cure. Croup is one such condition. The natural remedies for croup in babies do help bring down the cough and the discomfort but diagnosing the condition is important.

For the most part, it is believed that the condition is caused because of an infection that affects the upper respiratory tract in the babies. It can lead to a plethora of symptoms which the kids don’t favour experiencing at all.

If you have been on the lookout for the best remedies for croup in babies for faster treatment and cure, scroll down.

What is Croup Cough?


Croup is a type of disease witnessed in children caused because of an infection in the upper respiratory tract of the individual which then tends to cause difficulty in breathing accompanied by a hoarse bark like coughing.

The condition is very commonly seen in infants and even in toddlers and sometimes in kids around the age of 5-7 years old as well.

It doesn’t technically seem like a very earth shattering condition from the outside but can definitely be a serious condition if it is not tended to on time.

The constant difficulty in breathing accompanied by the hoarseness and the sore throat often affects a child’s quality of life which is why opting for the treatment for croup in babies is very important to provide them with momentary relief from everything.

What Causes Croup Cough In Babies?


When it comes round to the causes behind the condition of croup in babies, the main cause behind the same is because of the viral infections.

For the most part, it is the infestation of the parainfluenza virus which inflicts the negative impacts on the condition of the croup in babies.

Given that the viral infections are mostly spread through the air and can infect the child either by them inhaling the infected air droplets or even because of the infection lying around on the surface of the toys.

If the child puts the infected toy or even their hands on the mouth and eyes after touching the toy, chances are that the same can end up infecting them.

When it comes to the risk factors, it is believed that the children between the age of 6 months till 3 years are often at the maximum risk because of the fact that they still have small airways whose inflammation can end up restricting the breathing.

For the most part, the condition isn’t that severe but the same can end up requiring hospitalization if there is an additive bacterial infection in the trachea that is involved apart from the viral infection.

Signs And Symptoms Of Croup Cough

Signs And Symptoms Of Croup Cough

When it comes round to the signs and symptoms, they are pretty similar to what you witness when a child suffers from the cold and cough, except, it’s worse.

Diagnosis of this condition at an early stage is very important because that is what helps in quicker recovery for the baby.

Some of the common signs and symptoms associated with the condition include:

  • Consistent and very hoarse barking cough
  • Cracking voice with hoarseness in it
  • Fever and temperature
  • Labored breathing with slight wheezing sounds in some cases

Natural Remedies For Croup In Babies

Home Remedies For Croup

When it comes round to the natural remedies for croup in babies, the mode of treatment is quite extensive.

Given that it is a viral infection, you need to rely on your baby’s immunity to fight back the infection and cure it before it gets worse. For the most part, it is important that you do look out for the condition and the symptoms associated and let your child get all the rest that they need to recover well on their own.

This is where all the treatment options lie. It is best suggested to ensure that you do focus on the remedies that we are about to lay down for you.

1. Stay and Keep Calm

Stay and Keep Calm

It is likely that your child is going to be very fussy during this condition and even try to move around and not get the proper rest that they need for their good health.

For the best results, it is best suggested to ensure that you do focus on the prospects of providing your child with the maximum comfort that they need.

During the duration, it is important that you don’t end up losing sight of the prospects involved around. It is very important to ensure that you pay close attention to keeping yourself calm through the process. You need to keep yourself calm and collection and tell yourself that the process isn’t going to be easy but it is important that you don’t rush through anything at all.

Comfort your child through the process, cuddle them close and try and make them fall asleep and get the necessary rest that will further quicken the recovery process.

2. Keep Them Hydrated


When it comes round to the remedies for croup in babies, it is very important to ensure that you always keep your child hydrated.

With the constant exertion on their throat and the upper respiratory tract, water can help in keeping the hoarse throat soothed which can help with a lot in terms of the recovery.

Often titles what happens is the fact that the majority of the soothing beverages like that of warm milk or even that of the popsicles and ice lollies can help in soothing the scratchiness and the inflammation around in the throat.

It is likely that you wouldn’t know when your child needs the fluids back in the body, so you can ensure to look out for some symptoms. If you find your child crying at the top of their lungs but with no accompanied tears, or even if their wet diapers are less frequent, chances are that they need immediate rehydration.

3. Humidifier


Dry weather further ends up making the condition worse for the child, making the cough worse than before as well.

It is best suggested that you do focus on installing a humidifier in the room that the child is in. This might not seem like a lot but can help alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition.

If the baby is surrounded by dry air, chances are that the same will make the cough worse which is why it is necessary to opt for the humidifiers for better recovery of your child.

4. Steam


Steam is yet another one of the amazing home remedies for croup in babies that can help in better recovery over time. The only thing that you need to focus on is to ensure that you practice safety precautions.

Put your baby on your lap and then cover both of your heads with the towel and then take the steam in.

Don’t just subject your child alone under the towel because the same can be quite risky for the baby because they won’t be always able to gauge the intensity of the heat.

If this seems too risky, another effective way is to sit outside the bathroom with the steaming shower switched on. This can also help clear out the clogged airways and help you breathe better.

5. Detox Bath


Giving your baby a detox bath every day till the condition recovers is one of the best ways to get rid of croup in babies. It is best suggested that you do it once every day till the condition is relieved and your baby feels better.

Not only has this type of bath help in getting rid of the toxins out of the body, but the same also been found to have beneficial impacts in helping with the condition of relaxing the muscles in the body for better recovery and better relief for the child.

You need to follow through certain steps for the best results altogether.

What To Do?

  1. Fill the bath with the warm water and add some baking soda to it first. Make sure that you use the aluminum free variant
  2. Let the baking soda sit in the water for a few minutes till the chlorine in the water has neutralized for good
  3. Once done, add 3/4th cup Epsom salt to the water, some essential oils and some coconut oil to the water
  4. Mix everything till it has dissolved completely
  5. Sit your child in that tub and bathe them for 10 minutes
  6. Dry them completely ensuring that there is no water left on their body

How Often?

  1. Once daily

6. Let Them Get Proper Rest


For the quickest recovery of the child, it is very important to ensure that you let your child rest for a good amount of time through the day. It is a necessity if you want your child to recovery and get rid of the condition of croups.

Given that it is a viral infection, in order to get rid of croup in babies, it is very important that you let them rest to let their own immune system fight back the infection and get better through the process.

If you want to ensure the maximum recovery rate and that too fast, it is important that you let your child get some proper rest for the condition.

7. Opt for Essential Oils


Essential oils are yet another one of the beneficial remedies for croups in babies that work. With this condition, you want your child to breathe better and in the meantime, get rid of the condition of the hoarse throat and the pain as well.

It isn’t the easiest task to do around but with the correct methods, it is possible for you to treat the condition for the best recovery for the child.

Some of the essential oils that work for this condition include frankincense oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and some of the other variants that do work amazingly for the overall recovery of the child.

Before you administer the essential oils, consult your pediatrician and make sure that the oil is safe enough for the child. In the meantime, you can also end up opting for ways to add the oil to the air diffuser and keeping it in the room of the child.

8. Warm Fluids


It is true that we had discussed hydration but the subject of warm fluids for the children can further help in boosting their condition and helping with the treatment for croup in babies.

If you want your kid to get some relief from the hoarse coughing and the painful inflammation around the throat, it is best suggested that you do opt for giving your kid some warm milk.

Even warm water can help with soothing the throat and helping with the condition of the pain, inflammation and the scratchiness of the throat that the child might be suffering from.

9. Take Care of The Position

Take Care of The Position

The position that the baby is in matters a lot too when it comes to the recovery of the croup in babies. It is very important to ensure that you do look out for keeping the head of the baby propped because that helps in keeping the signs and symptoms of the cough and the constant pain in check.

If you always keep them lying down, chances are that the same will end up making the cough worse which is why it is best suggested that you hold them and keep them propped up slightly to prevent the condition from getting worse than it is. For such conditions, cuddles come a lot in handy in helping with the recovery of the child.

10. Elderberry Soup


Elderberry (R) is yet another one of the amazing natural remedies for croup in babies that can help in fighting off the symptoms and even boost the overall immunity in the child.

Additionally, if you find that your child isn’t interested in the elderberry soup, switch them up to the elderberry syrup.

If your kids are around 1-2 years, you can even give them the elderberry gummies that can be a treat for them and even help with the sore throat and the pain that they are experiencing.

How to Prevent Croup in Babies?


Stopping the coughing and the discomfort in the babies because of croup might seem like a good option but prevention is always better than cure.

If you want the best cure for your child, it is best suggested to ensure that you opt for ways to prevent it from happening further.

Some of the best ways to prevent the condition include:

  • Sanitise everything around your babies
  • Keep them away from your or anyone if you are sick
  • Wash their hands everytime
  • Check that their toys are always cleaned from time to time

Is Croup in Babies Contagious?

Croup in Babies Contagious

For the most part, yes, the condition of croup in the babies is contagious till the fever has gone down and mainly for the first three days since they have contracted the condition.

That is what the crucial stage is mostly, so ensure that you opt for better remedies so that the symptoms are managed well and you do get a better recovering child with less contracting symptoms.

When to Worry About Croup in Babies?


While we did state before that the condition is not that serious, it is very important to ensure that you do look out for the condition and if you witness some of the severe symptoms, it is best suggested to consult a doctor for the same.

Some of the common symptoms of this condition include:

  • Sudden bluish color in the nails
  • Experiencing multiple (more than 2) croup contractions within the same year
  • Nasal flaring
  • Barking cough with a harshness to it
  • Wheezing sounds when the baby is sleeping

If any of these symptoms appear, it is best suggested that you consult a doctor before it gets worse or emergency.

The natural remedies for croup in babies do help in getting rid of the signs and symptoms effectively. If you are finding your child with any of the symptoms as mentioned around, it is best suggested to ensure that you do consult a doctor before it gets out of hand.